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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

Urbana 500 is one of the latest in muscle cars and it's Bumblebee's Alternate mode in Transformers: Prime. Along with the exposed engine block and mandatory racing stripes, there's too much to love.

"The Urbana 500! It won't just rock your world. It will transform it."
―TV Commercial

Transformers: Prime[]

"Speed Metal"[]

An unidentified street racer was seen using a blue-and-red Urbana 500 as his vehicle of choice.

"Operation: Bumblebee, Part 1"[]

After Bumblebee had his T-cog extracted, Miko and Raf attempted to cheer up Bumblebee by watching television. Unfortunately, a commercial for the Urbana 500 was playing just as the TV was switched off from a racing game, making Bumblebee sadder.

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Urbana 500 logo

