Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

Trent Troop is one of several fans who has made the jump to working on official Transformers product. Every character he voices dies almost immediately.

He once crafted an elaborate subplot of a years-long D&D campaign so that it could include an allegorical reinterpretation of Beast Machines. Now that's true geek dedication.

"Transformers fiction should not be a game of Final Fight."
―Trent Troop

Fan Club writing[]

Online character bios[]


  • "Gone Too Far" 1-page comic preview & online-exclusive illustrated text story, with Greg Sepelak
  • "Force of Habit" online-exclusive illustrated text story, with Greg Sepelak
  • "Withered Hope" 1-page comic preview & online-exclusive illustrated text story, with Greg Sepelak

Fan Club artwork[]

External links[]
