Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
230px-Tf mag 4-01 2011

Transformers was an ongoing monthly magazine published in the United Kingdom by Titan Magazines (later Titan Comics), running from summer 2007 to winter 2014.

Initially tying into the live-action film series, it featured a mix of original comic strips, reprinted IDW Publishing strips, and regular features and competitions, with over fifty pages a month. The title was rebranded as Transformers Universe from issues #22-25, during which time it also included original Transformers Animated strips, left over from the comic's short-lived Transformers Animated sister title.

After issue #25, the comic was rebranded as Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and relaunched with a second volume to tie-in with the new movie. The subtitle was dropped with issue #8, which also saw the IDW reprints come to a conclusion, and the length of the magazine drop to 32 pages; not long after, with issue #10, the comic strip was reduced in length to only eight pages. The focus on the live-action movie continuity continued, however, with the second volume running to 21 issues before being relaunched for a third volume, renamed Transformers: Dark of the Moon. This volume only ran for four issues, and was followed by a fourth volume, titled Transformers: Prime. After twenty issues, the series was rebranded one last time, for a fifth and final volume, Transformers: Age of Extinction, which concluded after five issues.

