The console version of Transformers The Game follows several of the movie's robotic characters through an approximation of the movie's plot. The game has two campaigns, one for each faction.
- PlayStation 2
- The PS2 version is the highest-reviewed, despite limitations on draw distance, physics and damage persistence. In this version, Blackout, Starscream and Barricade start missions 1, 2 and 4 of the Decepticon campaign in their altmodes, while for some reason the PS3 version has them start as robots. Reviews noted it suffers from fewer frame rate issues than other versions.
- Nintendo Wii
- The Wii version is very similar to the PS2 version (except for clearer graphics and a higher resolution), with the addition of motion-sensitive control and free-aim (Makes the game look harder but feels easier) that allows to beat enemies in a more interactive way (However the combat is bummer in overall, in all of the versions).
- Xbox 360
- The PS3 and 360 version feature improved graphics, more persistent environmental damage, and more physics objects, including ridiculous clouds of rubble that eject themselves from buildings if you so much as look at them funny. The latter is generally annoying, since they get in the way when driving.
- The 360 version, as might be expected, features Achievements, though calling them that is somewhat of an exaggeration. There's one for pressing the "transform" button once.
- PlayStation 3
- The PS3 version suffers from more frame rate issues than the 360 version, typical of lazy porting. For some reason, this includes frame rate issues in the FMV cinematics when the console itself isn't doing anything.
- SixAxis motion control is also added for Decepticons with aircraft altmodes [Blackout, Starscream and Megatron]. It's disabled by default.
- Same as PS3/360 versions except for Mouse and Keyboard control. You'll need a supercomputer to play it, because if you have a low-end graphics card, your little PC will explode (literally).
Part 1: The Suburbs[]
A mysterious meteor crashes down to Earth and scans a yellow Camaro and was contacted by his leader, who told him to find an artifact, but warns him to watch out for Decepticon drones. The car, Bumblebee, zoomed off and defeated the drones, Scrappers and Dropkicks. Suddenly he saw Swindles and a Dropkick headed for Bobby Bolivia's car shop. He stopped them and was purchased by Sam Witwicky. The next day Barricade attacked Sam, but Bumblebee stopped him while racing from one place to another, defending Sam. When Barricade was defeated Bumblebee had to destroy Decepticon radio towers preventing the Autobots from landing and clear a landing site.
Part 2: More Than Meets The Eye[]
Soon Sector Seven found the Autobots. In his new alt mode, Bumblebee took Sam and Mikaela Banes to safety, while Jazz distracted distracted S7. Decepticon drones attacked, however and Ironhide had to rescue him. Bumblebee was taken by a S7 helicopter and Optimus had to follow the Autobot in vehicle mode. However, the Decepticon Shockwave attacked. Optimus had to follow him from place to place and finally kill him.
Part 3: Inside Hoover Dam[]
In Hoover Dam, Bumblebee escaped and broke open the command center doors, but security robots went to sound the alarm Bumblebee easily killed them and destroyed a console. Now he had to destroy cooling fans. After they were destroyed he had to race out of the tunnels they were in and finally, destroy generators. Bumblebee shrunk the All Spark while fighting off Energon drones and Megatron.
Part 4: The Last Stand/The Ultimate Doom[]
Finally the war was coming to an end in Mission City. Ironhide rescued Bumblebee from the energon drones and Jazz defeated Starscream and killed Blackout. Suddenly, Brawl killed the small Autobot. Ironhide took revenge, however, by killing Brawl. Finally, Bumblebee killed Barricade and after a long fight, Optimus killed Megatron.
That's one heck of a lot of killing.
Mission 1: SOCCENT Military Base[]
Blackout started things off by shooting down an MH-53; confusingly, this happened in Qatar right near the military base, rather than in Afghanistan as might reasonably be expected. At Starscream's command, he then proceeded to the local puny human military base to wreck it because that's just how Starscream rolls.
Sadly, his plan to wreck stuff up all day was foiled by some human communication vehicles, and rather than destroy them himself he deployed Scorponok, as the slower, less powerful Decepticon would be much better equipped to deal with the situation. Blackout busied himself destroying some communication arrays in the meantime, hoping to steal their vending machines mainframes and grab some data.
Scorponok, having succeeded in destroying the communications trucks, returned to Blackout, whereupon Starscream revealed he had in fact failed to do that and some human reinforcements were on the way to make Blackout's life miserable. Blackout instead made their lives miserable, and the end of level screen helpfully explained the entire level had been pointless.
No, really.
Mission 2: The Hunt For Sam Witwicky[]
Barricade's protoform landed near a local donut store, and he promptly copied the nearby Saleen S281 (a police car near a donut store, see what they did there?) and got in contact with Starscream. Starscream informed him he was there to find Sam Witwicky, for some reason forgetting he was only supposed to know Sam's eBay username at this point. By finding Sam, Barricade would be able to get hold of a pair of glasses he owned that held the key to the end of the game. You're better off forgetting about this conversation entirely, it'll prevent later sanity loss.
Starscream's plan to find Sam's location entailed Barricade driving to a more or less random part of town, where he was set upon by Autobot Drones, then driving to a different random part of town where he was set upon by Autobot Drones again. This incredibly important objective fulfilled, Barricade promptly teleported to a location he couldn't possibly get to during the actual mission, and was told to head to the power plant in order to find an irritating little abomination. Upon arrival, Barricade found himself faced with humans armed with rocket launchers, so immediately did the most sane and sensible thing and hid behind a line of propane tanks, which for some reason actually worked. Finding himself dealing with a magic Sector 7 SUV which could somehow hide itself inside buildings, Barricade was forced to tear down all the nearby buildings as Frenzy's energy decreased, which, presumably, meant the humans were torturing (?!) him. In an SUV. In a building.
After repeating this several times and watching the SUV at one point burst out of a non-existent building next to the local police station, Barricade cornered Frenzy's captors at the local shopping mall, destroying the entire building and letting the cutscene gloss over how the hell Frenzy got out from under hundreds of tons of collapsed masonry. From this he determined that a human named Sam was in possession of a "pair of ocular lenses." Which both he and Starscream knew at the start of the level. Argh.
Bumblebee then showed up heading for the police station, forcing Barricade to brave his abysmal driving controls in order to stop the Autobot. The heroic Bumblebee then resorted to using a ridiculous shockwave attack that destroyed a huge area of town every time he did it. Unperturbed by this inexplicable display of Autobot villainy, Barricade vanquished Bumblebee, then chased him down to the local Bay Demolition site, where he was ambushed by Swindle drones and Dropkick drones that were blue in the cinematic, despite being red. Despite having no reason to stay there and every reason not to, Barricade defeated all of them.
This led him back to the Police Station, which had impishly decided to reassemble itself since being destroyed in the second mission, as police stations are noted to do from time to time. Here he cornered Sam, but failed to walk the required two steps straight forward before Bumblebee smacked into his legs, picked up Sam and Mikaela and drove off. And then drove back or something, since the mission started with him in robot mode three hundred yards directly in front of Barricade.
Barricade fought with Bumblebee. Then Bumblebee drove off, Barricade followed, and they did it again. This happened several times, with Barricade at one point somehow ambushing Bumblebee despite the Autobot getting there before he did. After entirely too many identical fight sequences, Bumblebee lay defeated, Barricade recovered the glasses, and Sam, Bumblebee and Mikaela were surrounded by Sector 7 vehicles. It is again a good idea to forget that the Autobots no longer have the glasses and so have no idea where the Allspark is, as the game will forget this shortly. Or does it?
Mission 3: A Gathering Farce Force[]
Starscream was next to take the reins, attacking a secret human airbase where Bonecrusher and Brawl had decided to hide out in a somewhat ill-advised manner. After discovering that he couldn't understand what the hell Frenzy was saying either, Starscream realised his radar was jammed by the local human communications equipment. A quick bout of destroying things later, this problem was solved, allowing him to locate Bonecrusher.
Bonecrusher had stealthily hidden himself in the middle of a road surrounded by turrets firing weird electrical stuff at him, and proceeded to take a route through the airbase which cunningly didn't avoid any of the handful of checkpoints containing such turrets. Starscream, rather than reprimanding him for this idiocy, destroyed the checkpoints and escorted him onto the runway, then proceeded to a point near the runway for his next mission...Only to find himself stood next to Bonecrusher on the runway again. This somehow lead to a mission to destroy drone aircraft made using technology based on Megatron's vehicle mode, which Starscream no doubt viewed as useful practice.
Following on from this (somehow), Bonecrusher and Brawl moved out...Right into human gun batteries firing weird electricity. Since they had somehow forgotten what all their weapons were for, Starscream was once again called upon to do everything himself, flying back and forth using his strange rocket launcher to save his rather apathetic comrades from self-imposed doom. Since neither appeared in the game after this mission, you have to wonder why he bothered at all, really.
This was followed by an extended cutscene in which Starscream and Blackout arrived at the Hoover Dam and started trashing it, releasing Frank Welker's voice which declared they should probably stop screwing around and get to Mission City where the next mission was.
Mission 4: City of the Machines[]
Autobot forces arrived in Mission City despite having no idea of where the Allspark was (and Sam had it despite being arrested by Sector 7), so, wary of stepping in any more plot holes, Megatron sent his Decepticons ahead of him. Except Starscream, Brawl and Bonecrusher, who seemed to have got lost along the way.
Barricade found a redshirt protecting Sam and Mikaela, and found, moreover, that he lacked a stupid attack that made him invincible, making him easy prey. However, he reckoned without the Autobot unleashing the most horrifying weapon in his arsenal, the dreaded checkpoint race![1]
Somehow surmounting this horror, Barricade defeated Jazz again, leaving him dying at the foot of the large monument the race may or may not have ended somewhere near but probably didn't. Since Scorponok can't drill under roads and drilling is more or less his only ability, he was a clear logical choice to take over from the undamaged Barricade, and so did this, scuttling to Central Park (slowly) to kill a group of silly robotic crickets who were causing chaos, violence and confusion without first being Decepticons. This somehow led him to Sam, who was about to hand over the Allspark when Ironhide rather uncharitably kicked Scorponok into the monument (which the dead Jazz had vanished from in the interval). Blackout was understandably angered by this mistreatment of his adorable pet evil robot, and vowed to deal with Ironhide.
Ironhide pulled out everything he had: every drone type except Mixmaster and Dreadwing showed up to ruin Blackout's day, and Ironhide himself used the dastardly tactics of being invincible for most of the battle, ordering his troops to get stuck on the scenery behind him so they'd be impossible to reach, and making sure every energy-bearing human helicopter crash-landed on the roof of a building where Blackout couldn't get to it. Despite this, Blackout finally killed him, allowing Megatron to return from whatever the hell he was doing all this time and commence the final battle. The penultimate final battle, as it turned out.
This consisted of Megatron destroying things at random, some drones appearing, Megatron destroying them at random, and then this cycle repeating. 80 (!) drones later, Megatron finally got fed up with this and climbed the tallest building in the city, whereupon the programmers realised they'd driven the player character to suicide and hurriedly ended the level.
Mission 5: Day of the Machines[]
Having been affected by the same Apathy Radiation from the Allspark that kept Megatron from doing anything in the previous mission, Peter Cullen's voice finally got off his tin backside to have a final confrontation with Frank Welker's voice, just like the good old days. This largely consisted of Optimus fighting Megatron for a while, then running away while Megatron fought some drones, then hiding while Megatron flew around in circles and a not-even-slightly-explained timer counted down. After an alarmingly large number of repetitions of this, Optimus finally keeled over out of sheer frustration, allowing Megatron to absorb the Allspark.
Megatron decided that the Lincoln Memorial would make a fine throne (again) as he watched the eradication of the human race. That done, it was time for his triumphant return to Cybertron, which apparently consisted of fighting a bunch of Autobot drones in a big arena while the plot hid in a corner and pretended it wasn't there.
The game's Metacritic scores hover around fifty-five percent. It was criticised for poor driving controls, blocky graphics, repetitive missions and dull combat; the only thing generally praised was the random destruction. So the Decepticons won.
- Punching your enemies in the face repeatedly is 'Heroism' when Autobots do it, but 'Evil' when Decepticons do it. Sounds like a double standard!
- Blackout is toy accurate in the game, in that his main rotor is his melee weapon, rather than his tail rotor as in the movie.
- The PS2 version features a bizarre error; in the opening cinematic to Barricade's first mission in Mission City, after Jazz's door slams there is no further post-recording sound work. This means Barricade's voice is completely unaltered. He sounds like Sideshow Bob, for some reason. The PS3 version has the effects added correctly, implying the same of the 360 version.
- Tranquility features a large number of G1 references, with adverts for "Seaspray's Fish and Chips," a building site belonging to Bay Demolition, and a local mall called "Metroplex".
- In the final mission of Chapter 3 for the Decepticons, it's just this side of entirely possible to be too good at it. If the final set of gun turrets facing Bonecrusher is destroyed too fast, he'll reach the last checkpoint before Brawl does and transform. Unfortunately, the turrets' ability to actually take damage is pretexted on Brawl transforming, so all you can do is stand around waiting for Bonecrusher to drop dead. Bonecrusher hates poor bug testing.
- In Decepticon Chapter 4, mission 2's intro cinematic has Scorponok firing from a gatling gun in his tail. This weapon doesn't exist.
- Brush up against one building and they all spontaneously combust.
- No matter how hard you try, you can't kill human's in this game. THEY ARE INVINCIBLE. They even get out of disintegrated tanks completely unharmed, and don't even try shooting at them in humanoid mode, you'll completely destroy the ground, but they're fine!
- Get used to playing as Bumblebee cuz you'll be playing as him for most of the Autobot campaign.
- ↑ No, seriously, this actually happens.
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