Transformers: Cyberverse is an animated series. Produced by Boulder Media Limited and distributed by Allspark Pictures, the show aired on Cartoon Network. The first season of the show, titled "Chapter 1," had eighteen eleven-minute long episodes and aired on September 1, 2018. A second season, titled "Chapter 2 : Power of the Spark" aired on Sep 7, 2019. The show has been greenlit for a third season.
Transformers: Cyberverse focuses on the adventures of Bumblebee. A damaged memory chip leads to amnesia for Bumblebee, which leads him on an adventure to recover the missing memories of Cybertron. He is joined by his friend Windblade, who journeys with him so he can remember everything, but Megatron sends his Decepticon assassins after the pair try to save their friends from harm. The duo do whatever is in their power to stop the Decepticons and Megatron from ruining the world.
# | Title | Directed by | Written by | Original airdate |
1 | "Fractured" | Robert Cullen and Ehud Landsberg | Randolph Heard | September 1, 2018 |
2 | "Memory" | Jean Texier | Zac Atkinson | September 8, 2018 |
3 | "Allspark" | Robert Cullen and Ehud Landsberg | Gavin Hignight | September 15, 2018 |
4 | "The Journey" | Jean Texier | Eugene Son | September 22, 2018 |
5 | "Whiteout" | Robert Cullen and Ehud Landsberg | Kate Leth | September 29, 2018 |
6 | "Megatron Is My Hero" | Jean Texier | Peter Di Cicco | October 6, 2018 |
7 | "Cube" | Robert Cullen and Ehud Landsberg | Randolph Heard | October 13, 2018 |
8 | "Terminal Velocity" | Jean Texier | Gavin Hignight | October 20, 2018 |
9 | "Shadowstriker" | Robert Cullen and Ehud Landsberg | Kate Leth | October 27, 2018 |
10 | "Maccadam's" | Jean Texier | Zac Atkinson | November 3, 2018 |
11 | "Sabotage" | Ehud Landsberg | Dan Salgarolo | November 10, 2018 |
12 | "Teletraan-X" | Jean Texier | Kevin Burke and Chris "Doc" Wyatt | November 17, 2018 |
13 | "Matrix of Leadership" | Ehud Landsberg | Brandon Auman | November 24, 2018 |
14 | "Siloed" | Jean Texier | Mairghread Scott | December 1, 2018 |
15 | "King of the Dinosaurs" | Ehud Landsberg | Randolph Heard | December 8, 2018 |
16 | "The Extinction Event" | Jean Texier | Kate Leth | December 15, 2018 |
17 | "Awaken Sleeping Giants" | Ehud Landsberg | Zac Atkinson | December 22, 2018 |
18 | "Eruption" | Jean Texier | Gavin Hignight | December 29, 2018 |
19 | "Sea of Tranquility" | Jean Texier | Randolph Heard | September 7, 2019 |
20 | "Bad Moon Rising" | Ehud Landsberg | Gavin Hignight | September 14, 2019 |
21 | "The Visitor" | Jean Texier | Zac Atkinson | September 21, 2019 |
22 | "Bring Me The Spark Of Optimus Prime" | Ehud Landsberg | Mae Catt | September 28, 2019 |
23 | "Trials" | Jean Texier | Peter Di Cicco | October 5, 2019 |
24 | "Dark Birth" | Ehud Landsberg | Randolph Heard | October 12, 2019 |
25 | "Parley" | Jean Texier | Gavin Hignight | October 19, 2019 |
26 | "Starscream's Children" | Ehud Landsberg | Mae Catt | October 26. 2019 |
27 | "Spotted" | Jean Texier | Zac Atkinson | November 2, 2019 |
28 | "Secret Science" | Ehud Landsberg | Dan Salgarolo | November 9, 2019 |
29 | "Infinite Vendetta" | Jean Texier | Zac Atkinson | November 16, 2019 |
30 | "I Am The Allspark" | Ehud Landsberg | Mae Catt | November 23, 2019 |
31 | "Escape From Earth" | Jean Texier | Mae Catt | November 30, 2019 |
32 | "Party Down" | Ehud Landsberg | Andrew Robinson | December 7, 2019 |
33 | "Wiped Out" | Jean Texier | Benjamin Townsend | December 14, 2019 |
34 | "Ghost Town" | Ehud Landsberg | Gavin Hignight | December 21, 2019 |
35 | "Perfect Storm" | Jean Texier | Zac Atkinson | December 28, 2019 |
36 | "The Crossroads" | Ehud Landsberg | Randolph Heard | January 4, 2020 |
37 | "Battle For Cybertron Part 1" | Jean Texier | Randolph Heard | March 15, 2020 |
38 | "Battle For Cybertron Part 2" | Jean Texier | Randolph Heard | March 15, 2020 |
39 | "Battle For Cybertron Part 3" | Jean Texier | Randolph Heard | March 15, 2020 |
40 | "Battle For Cybertron Part 4" | Jean Texier | Randolph Heard | March 15, 2020 |
41 | "The Loop" | Ehud Landsberg | Gavin Hignight | March 22, 2020 |
42 | "The Dead End" | Ehud Landsberg | Mae Catt | March 22, 2020 |
43 | "The Sleeper" | Ehud Landsberg | Dan Salgarolo | March 29, 2020 |
44 | "The Citizen" | Ehud Landsberg | Zac Atkinson | March 29, 2020 |
45 | "The Trial" | Jean Texier | Eugene Son | April 5, 2020 |
46 | "The Prisoner" | Ehud Landsberg | Gavin Hignight | April 5, 2020 |
47 | "The Scientist" | Jean Texier | Mae Catt | April 12, 2020 |
48 | "The Alliance" | Ehud Landsberg | Dan Salgarolo | April 12, 2020 |
49 | "The Judge" | Jean Texier | Zac Atkinson | April 19, 2020 |
50 | "The End Of The Universe Part 1" | Ehud Landsberg | Zac Atkinson, Mae Catt, Gavin Hignight, Dan Salgarolo | April 26, 2020 |
51 | "The End Of The Universe Part 2" | Ehud Landsberg | Zac Atkinson, Mae Catt, Gavin Hignight, Dan Salgarolo | April 26, 2020 |
52 | "The End Of The Universe Part 3" | Ehud Landsberg | Zac Atkinson, Mae Catt, Gavin Hignight, Dan Salgarolo | April 26, 2020 |
53 | "The End Of The Universe Part 4" | Ehud Landsberg | Zac Atkinson, Mae Catt, Gavin Hignight, Dan Salgarolo | April 26, 2020 |
54 | "Enemy Line" | Jean Texier | Gavin Hignight | May 3, 2020 |
55 | "Thunderhowl" | Ehud Landsberg | Mae Catt | May 17, 2020 |
56 | "Wild Wild Wheel" | Jean Texier | Dan Salgarolo | May 17, 2020 |
57 | "Alien Hunt! With Meteorfire And Cosmos" | Ehud Landsberg | Zac Atkinson | May 24, 2020 |
58 | "Journey To The Valley Of Repugnus" | Jean Texier | Dan Salgarolo | May 24, 2020 |
59 | "Rack N’ Ruin N’ Ratchet" | Ehud Landsberg | Mae Catt | May 31, 2020 |
60 | "Dweller In The Depths" | Jean Texier | Zac Atkinson | May 31, 2020 |
61 | "Silent Strike" | Jean Texier | Gavin Hignight | June 7, 2020 |
62 | "The Other One" | Jean Texier | Randolph Heard | June 7, 2020 |
63 | "The Immobilizers" | Ehud Landsberg | Zac Atkinson, Dan Salgarolo | November 22, 2021 |
64 | "The Perfect Decepticon" | Ehud Landsberg | Gavin Hignight, Maasai Singleton | December 22, 2021 |
Autobots | Decepticons | Others | Aliens |
Alternate Universe[]
Sharkticons[] |
*Have switched sides
See also[]
Notes & Trivia[]
- The backstory of the war will be explored in depth in season 2.[1]
- Megatron and his descent into darkness will be explored in season 2.[1]
- Optimus' transition into the prime rank and the reason why Alpha Trion chose him will be featured.[1]
- How Shockwave lost his left hand will be shown.[1]
- Season 2 will feature Sky-Byte.[1]
- Arcee will have a larger role.[1]
- Cheetor will also play a larger role and will join the autobots after learning of Megatron's true intentions.[1]
- Some IDW characters might also appear.[1]
- Ratchet will have a bigger role as well.[1]
- Bumble Bee won't be the main protagonist in Season 2.[1]
- Season 2 is expected to air in September or October.[1]