The Transcendent Technomorphs, shortened to TransTechs, are overall better than you. Hailing from a vastly more advanced Cybertron that has never known the primitive scourge of war, this ancient sub-race of Transformers has watched over the multiverse for untold eons (their own universal stream being the "Nexus"), welcoming travelers from other dimensions through their emissary city of Axiom Nexus. They have developed their bodies, technology, and civilization to a highly evolved state, far beyond that of the war-wracked bestial Transformers who typically pass through Axiom Nexus's gates.
However, they might not be as nice as they seem. Some of them are at the very least, a bit... how shall we say... morally ambiguous.

We TransTech don't take normal walks. We take SUPER MEGA walks that are somehow in every single way possible better than yours! Though there were ever-present planet-wide crises, extradimensional threats, and debilitating political corruption,the TransTechs' Cybertron never sank to the apocalyptic level of war. As such, their society was able to achieve unimaginable feats in technology and scientific discovery. However, many of these advancements were made possible by the amoral persistence of Shockwave and his master Jhiaxus, not to mention a secret government partnership with the Liege Maximo.
At some point in time, the TransTechs' universe confronted the "Unicron Phenomenon" and they were gladly successful in diverting it... for the time being. Withered Hope
However, one bot sought to bring Cybertron into a new Golden Age, free of corruption and cynicism. This bot, an archivist named Optimus, inspired the masses with his speeches and soon attracted the attention of a young military professional named Megatron. A partnership formed and together, the two rose through the ranks of their respective career paths, military and political, until they uncovered Sentinel Prime's scandalous ties with the Liege Maximo. After a dramatic, violent battle with the Liege Maximo itself, much of the government was caught in this controversy and as a result, few were left standing when the legal proceedings ended. But from the ruins of this event rose Megatron and Optimus, with the former proving himself in battle and the latter proving worthy of becoming the new Prime.
Thanks to Optimus Prime's strong moral guidance and the strength of his political convictions, Cybertron did enter a new Golden Age. It was not a completely fresh start, however. Though Megatron arrested Shockwave as a war criminal, he was able to convince the High Senate to allow the scientist to continue doing experiments only under his guidance. In addition, Starscream miraculously emerged unscathed from the Maximo incident despite his heavy involvement.

We prefer to look like ROTF Soundwave.
As stewards of the multiversal hub city Axiom Nexus and its massive and unruly "outworlder" population, the TransTechs have few dull moments. Officer Flareup was involved in an incident at Shockwave's lab with some illegal outworlders from the Malgus universe cluster, but all agreed never to speak of it again. Bee in the City Two outworlders from the Primax cluster were framed for the murder of a high-profile rebel group leader, but the real perpetrators were revealed to be stooges for a local gangster. Gone Too Far The arrival of six dimensional travelers from an unknown cluster resulted in the incarceration of General Demolishor of the military police. Withered Hope A harrowing incident that exchanged the sparks of RoboCo CEO Bulletbike and a mere "lowtech" resulted in dozens dead and a government frightened by the possibility of undetectable Spark-swapping technology. I, Lowtech
However, the most noteworthy event was the abduction by Megatron and Shockwave of a lowtech who was rescued by a rebel band led by Alpha Trion. The band stormed the Transwarp Complex, murdered several TransTechs, dismantled Shockwave, and escaped with the abductee through a dimensional gate. Transcendent It is believed that this group had something to do with the Bulletbike incident.
The TransTechs became more active in preserving the balance of the multiverse when a negative polarity Ultra Magnus destroyed Primax 207.0 Epsilon, setting off unprecedented multiversal chaos. Invasion Prologue Invasion High Chancellor Optimus Prime created the Convoy, Invasion Prologue a group of 13 Optimus Primes and their kin to address the dire changes to the balance of the multiverse. Andromeda - Axiom Nexus News Reporter Axiom Nexus News Editor As he justified to the TransTech public, an active response was necessary because the defeat of the Hytherion at the hands of the Alternity meant that the multiverse no longer had a natural deterrent to the spread of weakened and damaged universes. Thus, breaking the normal rules of Axiom Nexus was necessary for the sake of the multiverse. Senator Prime also forged partnerships with the Cloud World Autobots and the Flaternity as well as called in Heinrad from the future.
TransTech pants were left wet after, following weeks of probes in the fringe clusters going dark, every outpost in the Fornax, Yayayarst, and Iocus realities was lost. Megatron called up all reservists and placed the armed forces on maximum alert. Rook - Axiom Nexus News: Investigative Journalist
Known TransTech[]
- Adventas
- Apelinq
- Andromeda
- Aurik
- Beam Rider
- Blackarachnia
- Brainstorm
- Bricolo
- Bulletbike
- Cheetor
- Corvo
- Cryotek
- Cy-Kill
- Cyclis
- "Dalung Master"
- Deluge
- Demolishor
- Depth Charge
- Doppler
- Ego
- Garara
- Hammerstrike
- Heinrad
- Herr Fiend
- Immorticon
- Jhiaxus
- Leatherhide
- Liege Maximo
- Megatron
- Nightscream
- Optimus Prime
- Perceptor
- Prowl
- Proxima
- Ratbat
- Rattrap
- Rhinox
- Rook
- Rush
- Scavenger
- Scooter
- Scorpia
- Scorponok
- Sentinel Prime
- Shockwave
- Silverbolt
- Skyquake
- Sonar
- Starscream
- Straxus
- Strika
- Stungun
- Terraspin
- Torca
- Vector Prime
- The TransTech character designs, and by proxy the entire concept, originated with the aborted franchise of nearly the same name.
- Jesse Wittenrich expressed regret in 2017 that the TransTech had spent most of their fiction being dodgy or outright buffoons; "I would have liked to restore some of the Transtechs' dignity and decorum." Jim Sorenson agreed and said the TransTech are, to his mind, YOU THE READER if you got to look at your malnourished, low-tech ancestors. "Underneath all their tech, they're basically just like everyone else" and don't want to think too much about how their supertech civilisation is an accident of history.
Foreign names[]
- Japanese: TransTech (トランステック Toransutekku)