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The name or term Topspin refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Topspin (disambiguation).

Top Spin is a character introduced in Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

Not a day goes by where Topspin doesn't get a new ding or scorch mark on his armor. His urge to succeed in spite of the odds have never dulled. Now a member of the Wreckers, he pushes himself to the limit in combat, going up against the biggest and baddest. And, usually he comes out on top... even if he ends up losing a limb in the process.

"If it isn't difficult, I'm not interested."
―Topspin [src]


Dark of the Moon[]


Topspin, Roadbuster and Leadfoot prepare the pre-launch works at the launch site of the Xantium. He uses his claws to lift a metal beam on a carriage carrying an engine part for the Xantium.

He later joins the battle in Chicago. He and the other Wreckers tear an unfortunate Decepticon pilot into pieces, ALIVE.


He accompanies other Autobots to an empty building where the take refuge for a while and think of a plan. When they do, they all evacuate with cover fire from Optimus Prime and Ratchet.

After Optimus Prime is trapped by cables, he and other Wreckers go to help Optimus Prime, who later assists the other Wreckers in taking down Devcon. He fires at the Decepticon with his machine guns, while Roadbuster launches two missiles before he and the other two then climb on him and shoot him in the head. Dark of the Moon

The Last Knight[]

Asylum in Cuba[]

Topspin among several Autobots that were given asylum in Cuba. He was pestering Seymour Simmons to play ball, and was told Simmons was busy, in which he stated "He always says that". While Simmons was on a phone call with Sir Edmund Burton, he repeatedly asked Simmons to go to the beach with him, in which Simmons told him to wait five more minutes. Eventually Simmons finished his call and went to the beach with him. The Last Knight[]


  • Topspin (Legion, 2011)
This version of Topspin is not weaponized, and is a small clean replica of the #48 Lowe's NASCAR. Despite his blocky appearance, he does have moving arms: one claw can open, the other is sealed but has a clip shaped cut out in the other for holding smaller weapons.
  • Topspin (Deluxe, 2011)
    • Accessories: MechTech gun, machine gun*4
Topspin transforms into a weaponized version of Jimmie Johnson's #48 NASCAR racer. In robot mode he his very CGI accurate. The MechTech weapon changes from a cross bow-like weapon to a claw.
  • Autobot Armour Topspin (Deluxe, 2011)


  • Topspin wears "sunglasses" and has a "mullet" made of crash webbing, making him resemble a stereotypical NASCAR fan.
    • The mullet is actually made up of the NASCAR crash webbing that lines the windows.
  • Of the Wreckers, he and Roadbuster seem to be the smartest.
  • Topspin doesn't speak a single line of dialogue through the entire Dark of the Moon film, much like another blue robot from the previous movie.
  • Contrary to popular belief, his main appendages are not his claws, he does have hands concealed under them (this is also apparent with the deluxe MechTech toy, though one needs to look closely to see it). Also, his claws seem to be retractable.
  • His namesake never had any airtime in the media.
  • In the Transformers: The Last Knight film, His head now resembles Leadfoot's.
  • Topspin was never able to speak in Dark of the moon as his head was not rigged to speak which is why he's seen with Leadfoot's head in The Last Knight.
You will be whole again. I promise.
I cannot remain in this unacceptable operational status!

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Sentinel Prime - Optimus Prime - Bumblebee - Jazz - Ratchet - Ironhide - Skids - Mudflap - Sideswipe - Arcee - Jolt - Jetfire - Wheelie - Brains - Mirage - Wheeljack - Roadbuster - Leadfoot - Topspin - Hound - Drift - Crosshairs - Sqweeks - Canopy - Cogman - Daytrader - Hot Rod - Volleybot - Bulldog - Lieutenant
Fallen - Megatron/Galvatron - Starscream - Barricade - Frenzy - Brawl - Bonecrusher - Blackout - Scorponok - Demolishor - Sideways - Soundwave - Ravage - Reedman - Alice - Scrapmetal - Long Haul - Mixmaster - Rampage - Scalpel - Grindor - Scrapper - Scavenger - Hightower - Overload - Devastator - Shockwave - Driller - Laserbeak - Crankcase - Crowbar - Hatchet - Loader - Devcon - Stinger - Junkheap - KSI Bosses - Two-Heads - Traxes - Nitro Zeus - Onslaught - Berserker - Dreadbot - Mohawk
Guardian Knights
Grimlock - Slug - Scorn - Strafe - Mini-Dinobots - Dragonicus - Stormreign - Steelbane - Skullitron - Dragonstorm
Quintessa - Seven Primes - Lockdown - Steeljaws - Infernocons - Skulk - Rupture - Thrash - Gorge - Glug - Infernocus - Unicron
What I've Done
Transformers 2
Transformers 3
New Divide
Transformers 4
Heartbreaker - Nasty Girl - Dat Slap - First Light - U Can't Touch This - Moonlight Reflected on the Er-Quan Spring - Daybreak - All For You - Battle Cry
Transformers 5
Going Back To Cali - U Can't Touch This - Mambo No. 5 - I Don't F**k With You - When My Man Comes Home - Torches
Back to Life
Battle of Mission City - Battle of Egypt - Battle of Chicago - Battle of Hong Kong - Battle for the Staff
Detroit - Michigan - Hoover Dam - California - Alamogordo - Boston - Columbia Bay - Las Vegas - Washington, D.C. - Oklahoma - San Diego - USA - Qatar
Transformers 2
Pennsylvania - Egypt - Jordan - Arizona - New Mexico - California - Virginia - Washington, D.C. - China - Shanghai - New Jersey - New York City - Paris - USA
Transformers 3
Milwaukee - Detroit - Michigan - Chicago - Georgia - Russia - Ukraine - Iran - Indiana - Florida - Cambodia - Texas - Los Angeles - California - New York City - Washington, D.C. - USA
Transformers 4
Hong Kong - Monument Valley - Jasper - Detroit - Austin - Pontiac - Chicago - Lockhart - Elgin - Iceland - Taylor - Texas - Moab - Pflugerville - Melber Lane - Uptown Theatre - Beijing - Washington, D.C. - Kayenta - Milford - 300 East Randolph Street - St. Boniface Church - Union - Michigan - China - USA
Transformers 5
London - Chicago - Washington, D.C. - Cuba - China - Hong Kong - Egypt - Jordan - UK - USA
See Also
"Romeo & Juliet" Law - Quintessa
NSA - FBI - Sector Seven - NEST - CIA - United Nations - Cemetery Wind - Kinetic Solutions Incorporated - Transformers Reaction Force - MI6