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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Tom Wyner

Tom Wyner (June 16, 1947-June 30, 2024) was a British-American anime voice actor, producer, director and writer. Wyner worked on voice actor on numerous anime dubs, video games and live action Saban Entertainment series over the years and was best friends with fellow anime voice actor Richard Epcar. He is best known as the voice of M. Bison in both Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie and the Animaze dub of Street Fighter II V, Project 2501/The Puppet Master in Ghost in the Shell, Devimon on Digimon Adventure, Quent Yaiden on Wolf's Rain, Ronah in Mobile Suit Gundam F91, Lord Galus in El-Hazard: The Wanderers, Father Juliano Colegui on Witch Hunter Robin, Teddy Bomber on Cowboy Bebop, Death in Castlevania: Lament of Innocence & Curse of Darkness, Harry Mudd in Star Trek 25th Anniversary, Dracula in Dracula, Sovereign of the Damned, and Sid the Dummy on Buffy: The Vampire Slayer,

Voice roles[]

Robots in Disguise (anime)[]

Episode scripts[]

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