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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

Thundertron is the leader of the Star Seekers. The massive, peg-legged leader of the Star Seekers and captain of the Tidal Wave, Thundertron claims to be "the mightiest free booter on the spaceways." Aside from being a merciless pirate, the destruction of his home world by Cybertronians has given him an unquenchable hatred and desire for revenge. He vows to hunt down and slaughter anyone who come from Cybertron, and is equally brutal with anyone else who comes in his way.


Transformers: Exiles[]

Sensing the energy trail of a Cybertronian ship, Thundertron had his ship land on Velocitron. He quickly questioned the planet's leader if there were any Cybertronians there. She said there were none, but the leader's refusal to divulge where they were, her insolence in asking the fault of being Cybertronian, and her rival's insistence that she was Cybertronian quickly made Thundertron lose his temper and ordered his crew to attack. Following the energy trail, they traveled through a space bridge to Junkion, where he found not only the Cybertronian ship, but another. While the Cybertronians were fighting each other, Thundertron met with the leader of the locals. He quickly forced the Junkions to repair his ship and attach a space bridge to it. He had two crew members show the Junkions they meant business by killing one of them. As soon as the space bridge was attached, Thundertron ordered the Star Seekers to attack the Cybertronians.

Transformers: Retribution[]

Some time after the battle on Junkion, Thundertron and the Star Seekers engineered a ruse to trap the Decepticons and to wipe out the Nemesis with the Requiem Blaster. Taking advantage of the Blaster's high energy consumption rate, Megatron and the pirate leader came to a stalemate in hand-to-hand combat while the Nemesis overwhelmed the Tidal Wave, forcing the pirates into a retreat.



Prime: Robots in Disguise[]

Cybertron and its inhabitaints will tremble, for when they will hear the massive clang of steel amidst the sound of leonine growls, and fall before the might of THUNDERTRON!

300px-Prime voyager Thundertron

Physical Appearance[]

Robot Mode[]

Thundertron has his front claws attached to his shoulders in his robot mode.Thundertron's beast's head becomes his chest.Thundertron wields a yellow blade in the side of his toy box.Thundertron has a peg on his leg similar to a pirate's.

Beast Mode[]

His Beast Mode is a robotic Blue Lion.

Beast of thundertron



Thunderstorm from the Transformer's Prime Top Trumps

  • Thundertron was originally going to appear in Transformers: Prime, but did not for reasons unknown.
  • Thundertron's toy's right foot can be removed creating a pirate like peg leg.
  • Thundertron also has a beard.

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