Isn't "Double Targetmaster" a fan term? I don't think it should be used here. --ItsWalky 20:15, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
- What's more, it's the Transformer who's the Targetmaster, not the Nebulan. The Nebulan should be referred to as either a "Targetmaster partner," a "Targetmaster weapon, or (preferably) just a "Nebualan."--G.B. Blackrock 20:20, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
- if the Transformer is the Targetmaster, why are Deployers and Action-master partners caleld Targetmasters too? The term applies to the small robots.
- These are "Targetmaster partners," not "Targetmasters". The difference is significant.--G.B. Blackrock 21:17, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
- if the Transformer is the Targetmaster, why are Deployers and Action-master partners caleld Targetmasters too? The term applies to the small robots.
- Re: Double Targetmaster... I'm actually not SURE. The term doesnt' reply to the fact Quickmix gets two fo them- it refers to their (seldom-used) 'double weapon' form. (That's what theyr'e called by the Instructions.) That's as close to an official term as we have. Double Weapon Targetmasters/ The combining gimmick certainly makes them a sub-set of Targetmasters in general anyway... -Derik 21:00, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
stop vandalizing entries to suit your preconceptions. I went back and re-read every single pannel Quickmix appeared in, and every word written about him- ever to write this.
"Whichever Targetmaster forms the barrle in the combined mode has his power level boosted by the other." The little guys are caleld Targetmasters.
Is US #60 Quickmix is sporting weapons that are drawn exactly liek these guys. And though the weapons are generally miscolored black, yes- in the final splash pannel Yotmov DID manage to correctly color them liek their respectiver Targetmasters. In later appearances, Quickmix qields random guns, not his Targetmaster partners, different shape, wrong color.
'Double Targetmaster' as a term I may give you- but double weapon targetmasters ARE a subset of TM's, with a unique function. You don't liek the term? COME UP WITH A BETTER ONE, DON'T JSUT DELETE IT.-Derik 21:18, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
- This is not "vandalism" as you call it. It's an extremely unfair accusation. Changing an article to be more accurate is not vandalism, but is the nature of Wiki. As to the fact that the weapons look like the Nebulan weapons, I've already commented that this could well be just coincidence. Neither did I "just delete" the term. As you've no doubt noticed, I've edited quite a few of these. In most cases, the edit involved a fair amount of rewording.
- However, I'm happy to let others' opinions come in on this. Still, play fair, please. Your behavior at present is inexcusable.--G.B. Blackrock 21:22, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
- I'm sorry I respond rudely to a declarative statement paired with an edit on your part that Ricochet isnt' a Targetmaster when i can immediately provide a quite fromt he research i did in writing this article that prooves hie is. How rude of me to take offense that someone who didn't bother to do the research is makign changes tot he article I wrote to make it less correct. -Derik 21:25, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
NN... *presses sinuses* I'm sorry GB, that was genuinely rude of me. I became particularly irritated when, checking recent changes, I found several discussion comments (at least one of which I knew to be flatly incorrect from my reading) followed by summary edits.
The Targetmaster/partner issue is understandably confusing. Choosing to excise the section from US#60 I found more... baffeling, and it did not put me in a charritable mood.
Your suggested terming of "double" Targetmaster to underline the term's unofficialness is excellent, thank you, I shall use it in the future. -Derik 22:08, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
- It's all cool. An obvious difference of opinion (I would argue that the MTMTE reference is a retcon by folks who didn't understand the distinction of which partner was the "Targetmaster." That said, it is official), exacerbated by a misunderstanding. If you don't mind, I did take the liberty of removing the section title that calls my name out, though. ;)
- I'll hold off on any further edits on the issue, and return to my task of updating the still enormous number of US comic entries that haven't yet been done....--G.B. Blackrock 22:39, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
From "Rebirth" Part 2
- Recoil: Hi, I'm Recoil! Sure heard a lot about you, Optimus Prime.
- Blurr: That's not all, not all by a long shot! Not by a long shot, no sir!
- Haywire: I'm called Haywire, and I can nail a Decepti-creep at four thousand yards! Hah hah, you bet!
- Peacemaker: They call me Peacemaker.
- Spoilsport: Spoilsport's the name, and there ain't a target I can't hit! Hah hah!
- Pinpointer: I'm Pinpointer, and I'm an even better shot than he is!
- Firebolt: And I'm Firebolt. We are the Targetmasters!
--KilMichaelMcC 23:23, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
- Additionally, Crosshair's TFU profile entry states that "Pinpointer... is very reliable and an ideal Targetmaster." And from Landfill's profile, "Silencer chose to undergo the bio-engineering procedure needed to become an Autobot Targetmaster..." (Also, the individual Seacons are also Targetmasters 'cuz they become guns themselves.) --ItsWalky 23:53, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
- I could have sworn that the packaging for the Seacons called them "Targetmaster weapons," which I've already described as a significant difference. That said, there's clearly enough "official" evidence for me to not edit any further entries on the matter. I still feel that the language is imprecise and is misleading, but if Marvel and DW both say so, I'm not going to fight too hard.--G.B. Blackrock 00:39, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
I was wondering if the Seaacons might nto be a good counter-argument. (And I ran across the firebolt quote actually about an hour after my last comment, so I suspected I was in the clear.) It's MESSY term, I agree, because the large Autobots are 'targetmasters' by virtue of being paired with a targetmaster partner- and thus in a 'targetmaster relationship.' :p Thanks Kil, Walky. -Derik 02:28, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
As for the "Double Targetmaster" thing, why not put that term under the "Fandom" page? --FortMax 05:39, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
Here's a question...[]
ab0out Targetmasters. They need their own page to cover the subject, surely- bvut it's nto an exhaustive subject. You describe what they are, some general notes on variants, about how they seem, to some degree or another, to exist in almost every continuity.
Woudl that sort of thing go on a PAGE 'Targetmasters,' or be displayed by viewing category Targetmasters? Why do we choose one or the other? Is there a correct choice? Should it be a page TM's, with a link- 'for a list of targetmasters documented on this wiki, see category Targetmasters'?-Derik 05:49, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
- I would say that info on what a Targetmaster is should go on a page called "Targetmaster," which would be the top article listed in the "Targetmasters" category. --KilMichaelMcC 05:54, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
- There should be a Targetmaster page, which will be listed at the top of the Targetmaster category. That's how it's handled everywhere else on the Wiki. For example, there's a category for humans, but inside the category for humans is an article on humans. --ItsWalky 05:55, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
Much-belatedly-- Double Targetmasters is apparently NOT a fan-term. -Derik 00:31, 11 May 2006 (UTC)