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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

In regards to the cartoon, I seem to recall in "Transport to Oblivion" that Cliffjumper was standing outside of the volcano and looking at the ocean. I think that was the only time the ocean was ever shown to be anywhere near the volcano. That worth a mention? --DrSpengler 21:39, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

Possibly. And add a merchandise section. There wa sa puzzle, or a battle game or SOMETHIGN explicitly named 'the battle of Mt Saint Hillary' IIRC. It's in one of the Alvarez books.
Also, you need a Micromaster reissue note here. (After BW, 'cuz they find pred wreckage.)-Derik 21:41, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

This sentence -- "The location of the Decepticon headquarters however, implies that the Transformers crashed somewhere in the coastal region." -- I don't quite follow, as the location of Decepticon HQ is... well, tricky. The map of the oil tankers in "Day of the Machines" puts it in the Atlantic, and depending on how far and in what direction the sky platform in "The Girl Who Loved Powerglide" travelled, that episode could be taken as evidence for the Atlantic as well. Of course, that would mean Carly drove across the entire country in "The Immoblizer." So, like I said... tricky. I don't think Decepticon HQ is very useful in locating the Ark's volcano. --KilMichaelMcC 21:44, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

Driving time/Distance means absolutely nothing in Transformers. I mean we have Cars driving to the North Pole and Cheetah's running from Africa to North America. 21:50, 16 January 2007 (UTC)
Well, technically we have cars-that-are-actually-aliens driving from (presumably) Oregon to somewhere within the Arctic Circle. I don't recall Cheetor ever running to North America. But that's kinda besides the point: how exactly does the location of Decepticon HQ (possibly the middle of the Atlantic Ocean) "imply that the Transformers crashed in the coastal region"? --KilMichaelMcC 21:56, 16 January 2007 (UTC)
My reasoning for using the Decepticon base was that MTMTE seems to suggest (to me anyway) that the Decepticon starship crashed nearby to the Ark. I haven't seen Day of the Machines in a long time so I can't really remember the map.--Omnisvalidus 22:01, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

Ships converging on Decepticon HQ:
It's the only firm location we ever really got for the HQ. It often seemed to be 'near' many places... but that was always kept rather vague. It's hard to judge by driving distances because of the Autobot Road. That was a patch-b ut the Manga is suppsoed to be IN cartoon continuity. -Derik 01:08, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

That image suggests that it is in the middle of the Atlantic which is contradicted by several episodes that I can think of. In the Ultimate Doom Sparkplug is rescued from the base by telling him to hold his breath and jumping in to the sea. If the base was in the middle of the Ocean he would be crushed by the water pressure. This would suggest that the base is in shallower water near the coast. The fact that Carly is able to swim to the base unaided in The Imobolizer suggests the same thing. At the end of MTMTE the Autobots stand on the coast and watch the ship crash again suggesting shallow coastal water.
Going back to the point about why I think the Ark and the Decepticon base are near to each other. Well even if we asume the Autobot Road idea is true there were still occasions when non-transformers drove to the base, Carly in the Imbobolizer as mentioned above by KilMichaelMcC. The geography quite often appears to be the same too. Also as the Decepticons thought that the Autobots where all dead when they were reawakened in the Ark why would they travel a huge distance before starting to build their new space cruiser in MTMTE? Is it not more likely that they started to build it nearby? As I said the Autbots watched the ship crash meaning that unless they used the Autobot Road and predicted where the ship would come down that the crash site is near the launch site.
I appreciate that there is no answer that is going to match all the facts but the question is which has the higher value, a visual representation like the one shown above (in a series riddled with animation errors) or various bits of circumstantial evidence (in a series riddled with inconsistancies)? Perhaps the best work around is to say that the Decepticon base is in the Atlantic (but nearer the coast than that image would suggest) and that the Ark crashed in a State on the East coast--Omnisvalidus 08:23, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

I always assumed that Mount St. Hilary was inspired by Mount St. Helens, especially its 1980 eruption. It's not quite in the right place, but it's part of the Cascades range and not very far from Portland, OR - nor in fact from Seattle-Tacoma, mentioned in 'The Key To Vector Sigma' part 2, though that may just be coincidence. Have any of the people responsible for putting the series concept together ever said anything on this subject, and if not, is it worth noting anyway? --Tribimat 15:36, 10 February 2007 (UTC)

It's is highly possible that Mount St. Hilary was inspired by (or base on) Mount St. Helens. The Volcano was even named Mount St. Helens in the guidebook of Beast Wars in early days.(IIRC, the book states the Volcano was named Mount St. Hilary in Marvel continuity while Mount St. Helens in the background settings of Beast Wars cartoon. Although the Volcano was never called Mount St. Helens in any continuity. --TX55 19:46, 17 September 2007 (UTC)

It's settled then. Based on all the facts, Decepticon HQ is within Walking Distance of the town of Springfield, near Evergreen Terrace, the Burning Tires, the Monorail ruin, and Comic Book Guy's store.

Where is Mount St. Hilary?[]

While the desert-like area around Mount St. Hilary seems to argue against Oregon, I've seen a lot of pictures of the area around Mount St. Helens that showed it DID look like that post-eruption. (For example, It's possible original storyboard artists used photos from the area around Mount St. Helens for the original look of terrain outside Mount St. Hilary in the pilot, and it degenerated into "generic desert" after that.--BZero 20:39, March 29, 2012 (UTC)