Huh? Jeep! 14:50, 6 April 2009 (UTC)
No funnies[]
There will be no funnies untill the episode is on TV fully, I want people to know what they are doing before it is fully released. Once it is released, you can add in the funnys. Mr. Serious 12:09, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
Okay it is ended, you can have the funnies. Mr. Serious 20:15, 20 April 2009 (UTC)
Err that mexican joke is kinda false, I mean the fire and wind fusion bots are mexican BHM1250 20:50, 8 July 2009 (UTC)
Aired on 4/18[]
- For further information, see: Transformers Wiki talk:Community Portal#TFA episodes that is not broadcast yet
The episode should be aired on 4/18, and why did the plot and sceencaps come up around 4/15? Similar thing such as Where Is Thy Sting?, Five Servos of Doom as well. --TX55TALK 02:55, 17 April 2009 (UTC)
I got it from the preview. Mr. Serious 08:24, 17 April 2009 (UTC)
Matrix reference[]
Optimus line at one part sounds like the matrix. Realife reference? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs).
Did anyone here notice the subtle Matrix References within this episode? The virtual reality, the "if you believe it here, you can make it so, and how Prowl deactivate Starscream by merging into him.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs).