Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki


Since this is yet another "Elseworld" for Transformers, is this series considered under the Evolutions umbrella?--RosicrucianTalk 00:22, 22 February 2008 (UTC)

Not an AU. It's part of the main timeline. Basically, Autobots buggered off,and the cons have the run of the place. Far as I know, only bots on Earth are the Dinos, Hot Rod and Sunstreaker
Takes place a year later. In reality it WAS written as an Elseworld-style alternate universe storyline, but was vaugley reworked to fit into the current storyline. Judging by the interview with the writer, the decision seemed to be made soley for the purposes of marketing - IDW were evidently worried about turning off new readers with the serialised nature of Furman's storyline, so they essentially put that on the backburner and started a new storyline, that's why the writer remarked that you can just jump into the storyline without prior knowledge of the previous books because, hey, they weren't written with them in mind anyway. --FFN 13:12, 11 April 2008 (UTC)
We covered this on your Talk page, but I'm just adding it here too for the sake of dis-misinformation: The writer has stated that AHM was conceived right from the get-go as a continuation of the established IDW universe. - Jackpot 17:18, 1 August 2008 (UTC)
Go to the rooftop of Gotham GPD HQ. Batman will explain everything. --FFN 17:26, 1 August 2008 (UTC)
Regarding the latest edits to this article: The Wiki rightly has to follow the official party line, but personally, I have my reasons for not changing my mind. Oh, but I'll keep my opinions about this subject on message boards there they belong. --FFN 17:52, 1 August 2008 (UTC)