Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

Is it appropriate to mention that he has the tendancy to draw anime catgirl fangs (as I call them) whenever any of his TFs bare their teeth? --FFN 20:01, 24 May 2008 (UTC)

I have noticed this and have pondered the worth of this mention as well. Although I never referred to them as anime catgirl fangs. --Detour 20:27, 24 May 2008 (UTC)
I call them that mainly to amuse myself. But whatever they are called, they are 'anime fangs'. --FFN 20:56, 24 May 2008 (UTC)


So I asked Mr Milne if I could use some of his pix for this article and he said shure. So I'll be uploading them now, hopefully nobody will delete them, if you're scepticle you can just ask him if he did grant me to use them.Dead Metal 15:39, 30 May 2008 (UTC)

Too bad he's too busy, but it would be amusing if Alex drew his own portrait with cat girl teeth. --FFN 15:44, 30 May 2008 (UTC)

Yea that would be awesome, I think he has a self potrait as his DA id, or did he change it, have to check. Well I upped the first image, but I don't know were to put it it'S this one: (IMAGE REMOVED) I don't know which ones to pic, I love his fanart stuff, but we don't have a copyright thing for that stuff, also should I make a new chapter to post them?Dead Metal 15:57, 30 May 2008 (UTC)

This wiki isn't the appropriate place for fanart. --FortMax 16:04, 30 May 2008 (UTC)
I thought so, but I just couldn't resist that awesome Starscream pic..., so I'll uplad comic covers and such.Dead Metal 16:08, 30 May 2008 (UTC)
well He hasn't given me a pic of himself, although I asked if I could have one, but I found this one in google: [1]Which I think is quite cool, is that him? I have never seen him, but I don't like the idea of stealing it from who ever it belongs to.Dead Metal 16:31, 30 May 2008 (UTC)