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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

TRF lieutenant is the lieutenant of the Transformers Reaction Force or TRF in acronym, He was the unnamed right-hand man of Santos.


Not much is known about the TRF Lieutenant, but it appears that he may have been a former U.S. soldier, and was recruited into the Transformers Reaction Force to become one of Commander Santos' right hand men tasked with eliminating every single Transformer regardless of faction, along with hunting down Cade Yeager.

The TRF Lieutenant first appeared during a briefing with Santos at a TRF base during Edward Burton’s monologue on how Transformers have continued arriving on Earth and the formation of the TRF. He was later shown monitoring Canopy via a drone when Santos believed him to be a Decepticon harming Izabella and her friends. After Santos ordered an airstrike that killed him, he was then shown with the rest of TRF forces surrounding Cade Yeager, which he reported to Santos that he identified the fugitive on his computer. Santos then told Cade Yeager to give up the Autobots and surrender, but Bumblebee arrived and led on a killing spree that injured and killed most of the TRF forces. He ordered most of his men to watch out for Bumblebee's leg as it continued to damage most of the TRF forces. After the Autobot reassembles himself, Cade surrounded Santos and began threatening him, to the point that the lieutenant orders him to stand down, although Lennox arrived and told his men to hold their fire before ordering Cade to drop his weapon. As Cade, Bumblebee, and Hound leave, Santos ordered a sniper to fire a tracker on Bumblebee.

The TRF Lieutenant was then shown overseeing Lennox negotiate with Megatron on the release of his Decepticon prisoners in exchange for the release of captured CIA operatives so he can retrieve the talisman that was currently in possession with Cade Yeager. During a briefing at one of the TRF bases, the lieutenant then joined the TRF's plan to raid Cade Yeager's hideout and hunt him down. However, the raid on Cade's hideout failed when the Dinobots halted a TRF convoy, and when most of Megatron's crew were killed during a town ambush set up by Cade Yeager with the exceptions of Megatron and Nitro Zeus. Nevertheless, Santos deployed drones to kill Cade Yeager, although it failed.

Upon finding out that Cade Yeager is in England, the TRF lieutenant, Lennox, and Santos boarded a U.S Navy ship to oversee the British TRF's mission to apprehend Cade Yeager, who had been joined with Viviane Wembley and Edmund Burton to find Merlin's staff and stop Cybertron's merger with Earth. When the UK TRF forces fail, the TRF Lieutenant, Santos, and Lennox joined with various Navy SEAL teams and boarded a pair of submarines to give chase to them. They then discovered that Cade Yeager, Viviane Wembly, and Cogman were going inside a spaceship underground to find Merlin's staff. When Cade and Viviane unexpectedly awakened a knight, the TRF lieutenant then fired on the robot alongside the other TRF operatives, to the point he was able to put a bomb on the knight's leg that destroyed it. He then surrounded Viviane when the staff was awakened, to the point that she could only hold it, only to be surrounded by more knights that were eventually destroyed by a brainwashed Optimus Prime.

The TRF Lieutenant was also a part of the briefing to stop Cybertron's merger with Earth and reluctantly teamed up with Cade Yeager. Boarding an Osprey, the TRF Lieutenant was one of the few operatives to break ties with the TRF when Cade tells Santos to leave the Autobots alone. However, the Osprey was forced to crash land. The former TRF operatives, Lennox, Santos, and the TRF Lieutenant began fighting off Quintessa's forces. However, Lennox orders his men to abort the mission and retreat, which left Cade Yeager, Viviane, Bumblebee, and the rest of the Autobots stopping Quintessa and Megatron once and for all. As the soldiers parachuted down the surface, he told Izabella that they're now going home before parachuting down alongside her. After the long battle, Optimus went together with the Autobots back to Cybertron using Lockdown's Ship. It can be implied that despite his reluctantly helping the Autobots and Cade Yeager, he may have either reported to resign or was dismissed due to his persecution acts against the Autobots and helping a group of Decepticons along with his Commander Santos after the dissolution of the TRF and the legalization of the Transformers race.


v - e - dTransformers-logo-font
Bumblebee - Transformers: Rise of the Beasts - Transformers - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Transformers: Age of Extinction - Transformers: The Last Knight
Sam Witwicky - Mikaela Banes - Carly Brooks-Spencer- William Lennox - Robert Epps - Maggie Madsen - Glen Whitmann - John Keller - Agent Simmons - Thomas Banachek - Ronald Witwicky - Judith Witwicky - Archibald Witwicky - Bobby Bolivia - Akram - Mahfouz - Manny - Miles Lancaster - Mr. Hosney - Colonel Sharp - Admiral Brigham - Charlotte Mearing - Sarah Lennox - Little girl - College Student - Smithsonian Guard - Dylan Gould - Mearing - Bruce Brazos - Dutch - Jerry Wang - General Morshower - Hardcore Eddie - Buzz Aldrin - Bill O'Reilly - Voshkod - President Kennedy - President Nixon - Defense Secretary McNamara - Neil Armstrong - Cosmonaut Dimitri - Cade Yeager - Tessa Yeager - Shane Dyson - Joshua Joyce - Harold Attinger - James Savoy - Darcy Tirrel - Su Yueming - Lucas Flannery - CIA Director - Cemetery Wind Team - Izabella - Viviane Wembly - Edmund Burton - Arthur Pendragon - Santos - TRF lieutenant - TRF Group Leader - American TRF soldiers - British TRF Soldiers - Jack Burns - Powell - Charlie Watson - Sally Watson - Otis Watson - Ron - Memo
Sentinel Prime - Optimus Prime - Bumblebee - Jazz - Ratchet - Ironhide - Skids - Mudflap - Sideswipe - Arcee - Jolt - Jetfire - Wheelie - Brains - Mirage - Wheeljack - Roadbuster - Leadfoot - Topspin - Hound - Drift - Crosshairs - Sqweeks - Canopy - Cogman - Daytrader - Hot Rod - Volleybot - Bulldog - Lieutenant
Fallen - Megatron/Galvatron - Starscream - Barricade - Frenzy - Brawl - Bonecrusher - Blackout - Scorponok - Demolishor - Sideways - Soundwave - Ravage - Reedman - Alice - Scrapmetal - Long Haul - Mixmaster - Rampage - Scalpel - Grindor - Scrapper - Scavenger - Hightower - Overload - Devastator - Shockwave - Driller - Laserbeak - Crankcase - Crowbar - Hatchet - Loader - Devcon - Stinger - Junkheap - KSI Bosses - Two-Heads - Traxes - Nitro Zeus - Onslaught - Berserker - Dreadbot - Mohawk
Guardian Knights
Grimlock - Slug - Scorn - Strafe - Mini-Dinobots - Dragonicus - Stormreign - Steelbane - Skullitron - Dragonstorm
Quintessa - Seven Primes - Lockdown - Steeljaws - Infernocons - Skulk - Rupture - Thrash - Gorge - Glug - Infernocus - Unicron
What I've Done
Transformers 2
Transformers 3
New Divide
Transformers 4
Heartbreaker - Nasty Girl - Dat Slap - First Light - U Can't Touch This - Moonlight Reflected on the Er-Quan Spring - Daybreak - All For You - Battle Cry
Transformers 5
Going Back To Cali - U Can't Touch This - Mambo No. 5 - I Don't F**k With You - When My Man Comes Home - Torches
Back to Life
Battle of Mission City - Battle of Egypt - Battle of Chicago - Battle of Hong Kong - Battle for the Staff
Detroit - Michigan - Hoover Dam - California - Alamogordo - Boston - Columbia Bay - Las Vegas - Washington, D.C. - Oklahoma - San Diego - USA - Qatar
Transformers 2
Pennsylvania - Egypt - Jordan - Arizona - New Mexico - California - Virginia - Washington, D.C. - China - Shanghai - New Jersey - New York City - Paris - USA
Transformers 3
Milwaukee - Detroit - Michigan - Chicago - Georgia - Russia - Ukraine - Iran - Indiana - Florida - Cambodia - Texas - Los Angeles - California - New York City - Washington, D.C. - USA
Transformers 4
Hong Kong - Monument Valley - Jasper - Detroit - Austin - Pontiac - Chicago - Lockhart - Elgin - Iceland - Taylor - Texas - Moab - Pflugerville - Melber Lane - Uptown Theatre - Beijing - Washington, D.C. - Kayenta - Milford - 300 East Randolph Street - St. Boniface Church - Union - Michigan - China - USA
Transformers 5
London - Chicago - Washington, D.C. - Cuba - China - Hong Kong - Egypt - Jordan - UK - USA
See Also
"Romeo & Juliet" Law - Quintessa
NSA - FBI - Sector Seven - NEST - CIA - United Nations - Cemetery Wind - Kinetic Solutions Incorporated - Transformers Reaction Force - MI6