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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Styx is a Decepticon penal colony in the Generation One continuity family.

A small ice and snow-covered moon orbiting a vast gas giant is home to the Decepticon penal colony called Styx. Of all such installations it is the harshest and most brutal. Prisoners sent to Styx have a short life-expectancy and may be better off for that. The penal colony is said to be impregnable.

Gutcruncher is stationed there.


IDW comic continuity[]

Hot Rod impregnates the impregnable prison (get your mind out of the gutter) with a virus that lets him sneak in and free his former comrade, Dealer.

Although Dealer seemed appreciative, he failed to give Hot Rod a "Domo arigato".


In Greek mythology, Styx was a river which the dead journeyed down on the way to Hades.
