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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Skysledge and Stormhammer

(He's the one on the left)

Stormhammer is an Autobot who can combine with Skysledge to form Skyhammer.


Transformers: Robots in Disguise[]

350px-RID2015 Crash Combiner Stormhammer
  • Skysledge & Stormhammer (Crash Combiner, 2017)
Released as part of the second wave of 2015 Robots in Disguise Crash Combiners, Stormhammer changes from a Cybertronian jet vaguely similar to a War for Cybertron Seeker to robot in three extremely simple steps. His color scheme is mainly plain white with highlights in dark red and black, silver for his face and blue for his eyes and jet windows. He also has a little green arrow below the connector on the jet's rear indicating where to crash him to combine with other figures. He has limited articulation on his shoulders and can adjust his feet for better stability thanks to his transformation. He comes packaged with Skysledge and is intended to combine with him to form Skyhammer's upper body. Connecting them to each other will activate Stormhammer's automatic transformation, which consists of his legs converting into the Combiner's arms while its face and chest are revealed. He can also combine with any other Crash Combiner figure to form a random Combiner.
