Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Alpha Trion holding the Staff of Solus

Alpha Trion holding the Staff of Solus

The Staff of Solus were a weapon that was presumably created by her before her death and it was landed in Alpha Trion's posession.

Sky Lynx's banishment to the dead universe[]

Sky Lynx appears, blocking Alpha Trions path and he demands him to hand over the Matrix of Leadership, however he said whoever the matrix chooses will be the next Prime but he ignored his wise words and demanded him to hand it over, Sky Lynx has charged towards him at the same Alpha Trion has opened a portal to the dead universe, imprisoning the latter.


  • Portal opening: as demonstrated in that shot. Alpha Trion or Solus Prime can open a portal to anywhere in the universe, including the Dead Universe.