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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

a lot of time ago, Shockwave anticipated the need of energy many eons before it became evident to all Transformers; so he began the project 'Regenesis' in order to preserve the balance of war and ultimately cybertronian race; he distilled raw energon and loaded it into warheads, then he sent them in particular planets; one day he went to control his experiment on prehistorical Earth, during an Ice Age (probably the last one), not knowing that Dynobots were pursuing him. Grimlock was thirsty of revenge for an accident during an energon transport and chose disobeying Optimus Prime's order: "Leave him go!". Shockwave was prepared to walk on Earth shielding himself from energon radiation by armonic field, while Dynobots had none; Slag resolved the problem scanning Earth's animal bones, dinosaurs' bones; reformatting themselves as dino robots and covering with a synthetic flesh in CR rooms, the Dinobots followed Shockwave on surface and attacked him. The initial result was on Dinobots' side, then after shutting down logical functions and let his rage grow, the "One-Eye" battled them and won; Dinobots went on stasis lock and Shockwave prepared to leave. But Grimlock left a surprise; during approcching orbit, they nuked Shockwave's ship, then Grimlock programmed their ship computer to shoot at him if they wouldn't succeed; hitting an active vulcan started a cataclism that immobilized the Decepticon. Much, much time later, in early 80s, a bunch of human scientists will find Shocky's hand out of mud.
