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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
The name or term Slag refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Slag (disambiguation).

Slug is a Dinobot who transforms into a Triceratops. He is set to appear in Transformers: Age of Extinction alongside Grimlock, Scorn, Strafe, Slash, Snarl, and Slog.


Age of Extinction[]

Slug was among the Dinobots trapped aboard Lockdown's ship until the Autobots detached that section for their own uses. When the smaller ship was shot down and crashed in the Wulong Valley near Hong Kong, Optimus freed the Dinobots, demanding they aid him against Galvatron and the Creators who wished to destroy them all. Though he initially had to be held back by Grimlock, Slug yielded to Optimus' charge when Grimlock was bested in combat. Slug allowed Drift to ride him into battle, where Slug's ferocity and durability proved a great asset against Galvatron's forces. After defeating the Decepticons, Slug helped escort the Seed to a safe location, destroying an Orbital Assault Carrier by simply ramming it with his head, but was briefly hampered by Lockdown's return with a magnetic vortex until Optimus destroyed it. Slug aided in holding the line so Joshua Joyce could escape with the Seed until Lockdown was defeated by Optimus and their human allies. The day won, Slug and his fellow Dinobots parted on good terms with the Autobots.

The Last Knight[]

Slug was among the Dinobots hiding out with other Autobots in the Cade's junkyard. He seemed to be far less trouble then his brethren, appearing to simply wander about the area. When their refuge was discovered, he joined Grimlock in bursting from the ground to attack a convoy of TRF vehicles.


Dinobot Hunt flash game[]

Crosshairs riding on Slug broke through the strengthening of the Decepticons and captured enemy base


Age of Extinction film[]

How to Ride Your Dinobot cartoon[]

How to Ride Your Dinobot Ep3 Drift Activates Slug's Functions in Front of Lockdown

Drift riding on Slug drove Lockdown in a corner and took the book for activated weapons. After many failed attempts, the Autobot took a giant cannon to shoot at the enemy (but first he suffered himself). How to Fight


Age of Extinction[]

  • Transformers Age of Extinction Generations Deluxe Class Dinobot Slug Figure

"This fiery warrior hates taking order, unless it means he gets to destroy something. He'll level anything in his path with a fit of white-hot dino rage. Convert, arm, and attack with all the Transformers action you can handle! This Dinobot Slug figure is a high-powered fighter whether he's in robot mode or dino mode. With a sword in each hand, he's a double danger to any enemy in robot mode. When he converts to triceratops mode, he'll stomp any enemy flat! Keep converting him back and forth so he can handle whatever his foes dish out!"

