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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Singe is a Nebulan Decepticon in the Generation One continuity family.
Singe dt

He would do anything for love - but he won't do that.

Singe may be the only being to have joined the Decepticons for love. Years ago, Singe lost his lover Llyra to Galen, leaving him crushed. When his rival joined the Autobots, Singe signed up with Llyra's father, Lord Zarak, and the Decepticons, hoping to slay Galen and win back Llyra's heart. The binary-bonding process made the callow playboy into a double-barreled nuclear-powered flamethrower, capable of liquefying metal and barbecuing Galen alive. But the Decepticons' defeat and subsequent exile from Nebulos left Singe bitter, hateful, and unfulfilled. To make matters worse, Galen died before he could kill him! Even the company of his partners Spinister and Hairsplitter can't shake his loneliness.


  • Spinister w/ Singe and Hairsplitter (Targetmaster, 1988)

Singe, like all the "double" Targetmaster Nebulans, is one of the smallest and least complicated Transformers. Fold the barrel away, and stand him up. He was released with the Decepticon Spinister in 1988. No version of this character or mold was released in Japan.


External links[]

Spinister Singe and Hairsplitter on

You will be whole again. I promise.
I cannot remain in this unacceptable operational status!

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