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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

Shockwave is a Decepticon from One

Shockwave (One)


Shockwave is a high-ranking member of the High Guard and one of Starscream's top lieutenants. He holds strong opinions about the structure of the High Guard, and is more than ready to act upon them... even though select applications of violence tend to be effective in persuading him to think otherwise.

Voice actor: Jason Konopisos-Alvarez (English), Takanori Hoshino (Japanese)

Flanking Starscream alongside Soundwave, Shockwave stood in attendance as Starscream interrogated a quartet of trespassers. He explained to Elita-1 that they had been forced to gag B-127 because he would not shut up even while unconscious, and complained to Soundwave that they should have applied a stronger gag when B-127 managed to get it off his mouth. When things went sour and a fight broke out between Starscream and D-16, Shockwave attempted to intervene only for Soundwave to stop him. Though the duel ended with D-16 victorious and Starscream's life spared, that was when a swarm of Death Trackers led by Airachnid descended upon them. Shockwave fought bravely against them and managed to avoid being captured himself, but could not prevent the numerically superior enemy from carrying off many prisoners including Starscream, D-16, and B-127. In the aftermath of the battle, Orion Pax and Elita suggested the two groups join forces to fight against Sentinel and rescue their friends. Shockwave loudly objected to the notion of taking orders from Orion, but a swift punch to his eye from Elita and the threat of more violence immediately changed his mind. Shockwave took part in the assault on Sentinel's tower, battling against more Trackers. He watched and cheered as Megatron tore Sentinel in half and participated in the destruction of Iacon city, only to be interrupted by a returned Orion - now rechristened Optimus Prime. He then rushed in to engage the Prime in combat when Megatron commanded his men to attack, but was swiftly knocked down, made to shoot Starscream, and kicked away by Optimus for his troubles, the force of the kick bending his arm cannon and making him shoot himself in the face. Shockwave and his fellow High Guard officers chose to follow Megatron and retreat after Optimus exiled Megatron and all his followers from Iacon.

Later, Shockwave received a new brand on his shoulders alongside all of Megatron's other followers. He watched as Megatron officially announced the formation of the Decepticons. Transformers One


  • Noticeably this version of shockwave unlike his past counterparts (except g1) has a form of personality, crazy right!
  • shockwave seems to have a rivalry with the autobot elita-1 much like his g1 counterpart.
  • His alt mode closely resembles his cybertroinan gun alt mode in g1