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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
They're actually both looking for characterization.
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Specifics: Toy
Road Ranger is an Autobot from the Generation One continuity family.

Mighty robots! Road Ranger is in the left-center.

Road Ranger is a traveler from another dimension, who has taken the form of an Autobot and infiltrated their ranks in the hopes of finding the solution to a problem that plagues his home.

As a friendly Guardian, he would sometimes fight Renegades, and he probably got to say something at some point. Not that we've seen, though.


Fun Publications comic[]

Road Ranger, along with other displaced GoBots, somehow ends up at Axiom Nexus and is "processed". Transcendent: Part 1

Further information in this article is coming soon as it pertains to information that has only recently been released to the Fan Club.
See the relevant policy page for the reasons why, and do not add further information pending review.
The suggested fair-game date on this article is: June 8, 2008


Generation One[]

  • G1 GoBots (Multi-pack, 2004)
    • Japanese ID number: 84
Road Ranger was only available in an e-Hobby-exclusive 6-pack with Bad Boy, Bug Bite, Path Finder, Small Foot and Treds. He is a redeco of the Mini Vehicle Huffer, transforming into a cabover-syle semi truck.
This mold was the basis for the 1986 retool Pipes.



A lot of kids used me to sub for Optimus Prime.

  • Road Ranger is clearly intended to be the character from the Tonka GoBots line. His name does not appear in any of the final product material; it only appeared in an early Photoshopped promotional image on the e-Hobby website. The individual toys' names were dropped when Takara's legal department became concerned at how Bandai—the company that made the toys that would become the Tonka GoBots—would react to the names being used, despite the minimal chance of provable trademark infringement on Takara's part.

External links[]
