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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
This article is about the McDonald's exclusive toy/character. For the company that released many Transformers DVDs, see Kid Rhino.

Rhino is a Maximal in the Beast Wars portion of the Generation One continuity family.

I may have to crap my own legs to transform, but at least I'm not Rally's Rhinox.

Rhino turns into a rhino. No, he's not Rhinox.

A Maximal ground soldier, his main attack is a body-ramming slam. Prairie fighting is his specialty, but he's not good in confined spaces.


  • Rhino (McDonald's Happy Meal toy, 1996)
Part of the first McDonald's Beast Wars promotion, Rhino transforms into a rhinoceros. His head bears a striking resemblance to the "mutant head" of the original Rhinox toy.


  • Rhino's brief character write-up came from a Japanese Beast Wars guidebook called the Beast Wars Perfect Book.

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