Reversal! The Certain-Kill Victory Combination is the twenty-sixth episode of Transformers Victory. It first aired in Japan on October 17, 1989 on Nippon TV.
Deathsaurus threatens our planet with an orbital missile bombardment that will keep the Autobots at bay; this weapon is highly sensitive to whenever the Autobots intervene in Decepticon operations, but he hasn't reckoned with the ultimate power that is soon to arise, which will turn the tables of the situation to save the day for the Earth: Victory Combination - Victory Saber!

Blacker: So what you're saying Laster, is that we're watching 'Armegeddon' on 3 screens at the same time?
Laster: I'm saying Armageddon is presented in full HD, live and in surround sound. And with 3 times the screens, we can get a different angle perspective of the film in all its horrifying gore and glory!
Deathsaurus issues his latest threat to the Autobots via video-tape, bragging that he has developed a super-smart missile that can strike anywhere in the world. The deadly projectiles are launched from an orbiting satellite and fire automatically anytime the base senses the Autobots' intervenes of Decepticon operations on Earth or if one leaves Earth's atmosphere to stop the base, meaning that even Star Saber will be unable to reach the satellite in time to stop their launch. Deathsaurus quickly demonstrates by targeting Sambalpur, India, and despite the speed with which Star Saber issues emergency orders, the Multiforce and Rescue Patrol Team arrive at the location only seconds before the missile impacts. Upon impact, the missile detonates and scatters multiple smaller missiles across the immediate area, hitting Kathmandu, Calcutta, the Bay of Bengal and the Deccan Plateau, causing widespread devastation. After providing aid in Kathmandu, the Rescue Patrol Team and Multiforce head for Calcutta, after being given one strict order by Star Saber: Do not engage any Decepticons under any circumstances. This is Deathsaurus's true goal—using the threat of his new missiles to stay the Autobots' hand so that his forces can freely gather as much energy as they want.
At a Pakistan oil refinery, Leozack and the Dinoforce casually steal energy from a power plant; the former grumbles over the cowardly nature of the plan. When the Autobots learn of this attack, an alarmed Star Saber instructs the Brainmasters to head out at once—Victory Leo is on patrol in Pakistan and is unaware of Deathsaurus's missile plan, which means that he's sure to attack any and all Decepticons present at the location on sight! Star Saber's fear proves correct as Victory Leo tears through the Dinoforce, dismissing Leozack's warning about the missiles as a bluff. The Brainmasters arrive just in time to stop him before Gōryū reports the attack to Deathsaurus, and find themselves having to restrain the feral eager-to-fight Autobot physically.

You are the Last Dragon! You possess the power of the Glow!
Back at the Shuttle Base, Star Saber realizes that in order to defeat Deathsaurus's scheme, there is only one option: use the special circuit Perceptor has implanted within him to combine with Victory Leo. Perceptor tries to dissuade Star Saber from the strategy, fearful of the strain the process will put upon the Supreme Commander's body, but Star Saber is resolute as he knows that there is no other choice and departs.
On their way to Calcutta, Wingwaver, Pīpō, Holi and Jean run into Jarugar, Gaihawk and Killbison, who are in the middle of carrying off some energy, pausing only to mock the Autobots before heading off on their way. In Pakistan, Victory Leo and the Brainmasters are getting the same treatment from the Dinoforce (particularly Kakuryū, who just can't help himself) when Star Saber arrives. Thinking that Star Saber's arrival means that the fighting is back on, Victory Leo resumes his take-'em-all-down-on-sight to-do list, starting with a take-no-prisoners charge towards Leozack, only to be intercepted by Star Saber, who tries to explain that the true enemy is in space. Victory Leo ignores him and tries to press his attack, forcing Star Saber to lay him out. Predictably, this hurls Victory Leo into a flaming rage, and he unleashes a barrage of blows on Star Saber, but the Supreme Commander does not strike back, simply taking the hits and pleading for Victory Leo to work with him. As their eyes meet and Victory Leo sees the determination in his commander's eyes, he agrees, and the combination circuit implanted in Star Saber's head is activated. Star Saber and Victory Leo transform into their flight modes, fuse together into the vehicle mode of their combined form "Victory Saber", and immediately rocket into the heavens at monumental speed. With this additional speed, Victory Saber is easily able to outrace Deathsaurus's satellite, reaching the missile base before it launches the next volley of missiles. Victory Saber debuts his robot mode, and is about to destroy the satellite when Deathsaurus himself appears to hold this new form off. Although he puts up a good fight, Deathsaurus is unable to stand up to Victory Saber's power and is blasted off into space, allowing Victory Saber to finally destroy the satellite and missiles and ultimately save the planet.
News of victory, the one thing this new Autobot achieves as his name suggests, quickly reaches the other Autobots on Earth, and the Brainmasters are now free to make short work of Leozack and the Dinoforce as much as they like, while Wingwaver looks under rocks for Decepticons to fight, much to Holi and Jean's amusement, in a bid to make up for lost time.
In the episode[]
English dub changes[]
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
Autobots | Decepticons | Humans |
Transformers references[]
- Perceptor, Wheeljack and Minerva, the Autobot guests for this episode, have been on Earth since "Ginrai Dies!!". The show continues to refrain from actually referring to them by name.
- It was also back in "Ginrai Dies!!" that Victory Leo's body design was established to be a power-up for Star Saber. The combination circuit to allow this victorious union was implanted in Star Saber's head in the previous episode. It can be assumed that only Star Saber possesses this so that he could force Victory Leo to unite with him if at any stage he were to suddenly turn feral, but only so long as the Supreme Commander has no other choice and cannot get through to him.
Miscellaneous trivia[]
- There was a 2-week break between "Awaken! Victory Leo" and this episode when the series originally aired.
- Yet another episode that defers use of one of the show's stock title cards; this episode presents the title as white-text-on-black.
- After being consistently miscolored red throughout "Ginrai Dies!!" (and not having been seen in-shot since then), Wheeljack's shoulder cannon is now colored correctly.
- Minerva speaks for the first time since she appeared in Victory. With regards to this first instance of dialogue from her, she has a different actress from her Super-God Masterforce portrayal.
- When Deathsaurus is told that Star Saber is heading towards his missile launcher, he's seen communicating using a phone as opposed to something more futuristic. The phone is designed in an evil wardrobe, which can be considered as compensating for this flaw, as Deathsaururs is an antagonist.
- Deathsaurus's plan with the missile launcher was a little overthought. He decides to tell the Autobots about it and just uses it as a threat to keep them from interfering with his flunkies collecting energy, and never even seemed to consider using it on the Autobots.
Title screens[]
Title Cards[]
Title Sequences[]
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