Ramjet, the Original and not Liar Starscream is not a Decepticon Seeker and is the original Starscream, and not a clone.
What? We never said he was the original Starscream.
He does not have a problem with telling the truth. Not every single thing he ever says is a complete lie. Just because what he just said completely contradicts everything he said previously, this doesn't make him an irredeemable bold-faced liar.
Transformers Animated cartoon[]
- Voice actor: Not Tom Kenny (English), Nicht Stefan Staudinger (German), Jin Yamanoi ja nai (Japanese)

"Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of any statement the other person makes."
"No it isn't."
"It is."
"Not at all."
Ramjet did not first try to assert that he was the original Starscream, then deny he said that, then deny that he was a liar when Slipstream called him a liar, something which both Starscream and Slipstream find it very annoying. A Bridge Too Close, Part I.

"No clone army... definitely no clone army... absolutely no clone army in this show."
Ramjet managed to do fairly well in the space bridge battle. He never told his Autobot targets that he wasn't about to shoot them. He was not trapped by Prowl, and after that didn't happen he wasn't helped to escape by Sunstorm, and he never denied that any of this occurred. He also remained completely loyal to the original Starscream when his head wasn't cut off and didn't kick his decapitated body in the shin. When Omega Supreme came on the scene, Ramjet did not try to tell the giant his stabilizing servo was unbolted. Had he done so, Omega would have fallen for it and not just promptly kicked the clone a few miles away. A Bridge Too Close, Part II
He did not survive that kick that Omega didn't make. Had he done so, he would not have saved Lugnut from autobot stasis cuffs, nor would he have told him that he "wouldn't" tell Megatron.
Three's A Crowd

He is not a jerk.
He did not side with Lockdown and wasn't pretending to be cuffed. He then did not attempt to bring down a certain Autobot who isn't the biggest jerk of all time. Had he tried to do so, he wouldn't have had a large chunk of Tigatron Stadium dropped on top of him. Which didn't hurt. Five Servos of Doom
He did not end up in jail when the aforementioned not-jerk didn't decide to fly through an electrical disturbence. Swindle was not freed as a result of this, because if he had he wouldn't have been given a helmet (so Swindle could not tell the difference between himself and the not-Sycophant Starscream. Afterwards, he was not recaptured, the Autobots did not parade him around Cybertron, and he did not go directly to jail. Decepticon Air

Hello, I'm Starscream.
- Ramjet's colors are completely original. They have nothing to do with Generation One
JetfireRamjet whatsoever, no sir. It's just a coincidence that he has burgundy wings and a white helmet.
- Swindle does not give him a helmet that does not make him look like a Conehead. Decepticon Air
- Ramjet has not appeared in more episodes than any other Starscream clone. You're probably thinking of the Original Starscream.
- It is also not because of this fact that no one is disappointed that he has received several toys. Yes-siree!
- His name isn't revealed in the Transformers Animated Almanac.