Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

Watch out, tiny jet!

Those who work from the shadows prefer to keep their machinations quiet and hidden, but when a quick assassination is needed to give those machinations a little push, Predacus is formed! And, oh, he's a talker.

Predacus is composed of:





Handful of Panels of the Predacus

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity[]

At the end of the Great War, Predacus merged and murdered Predaking, tipping the balance of power, so that Predacus's components could surrender the surviving Decepticons to the Autobots. With hostilities ended, the Tripredacus Council could bide their time and grow their real plans. Dawn of the Predacus


Combiner Wars[]


You're Under the Rest, Meow!

  • Dawn of the Predacus (BotCon 2016 box set)
    • Accessories: four feet/fist guns, five individual weapons, one shield
Combiner Wars Predacus was available exclusively at BotCon 2016 in the "Dawn of the Predacus" box set, created by combining Predacon Tarantulas, Ravage, General Ramhorn, General Cicadacon, and General Sea Clamp. His combined form has a newly tooled head that looks like Tripredacus's.
Non-attending members could purchase the set in the Transformers Collector's Club Online Store.
  • More information on Timelines Predacus at


  • Predacus's toy is labeled as a Predacon, but he only appears in fiction as a Decepticon, as his lone story's setting predates the faction.
  • When Jim Sorenson was asked to pitch for "Dawn of the Predacus" as a Beast Wars: Uprising story, he had Predacus as a Council weapon to stop the rampage of the Builders' Magnaboss. As of the end of 2016, the toy was still solicited as an Uprising one!

Foreign names[]

  • Japanese: Predacus (プレダカス Puredakasu)