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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Photon T-34 is a Decepticon from the live-action movie continuity family.
Photon T34

"Watch out! I know Judo, Chop Suey, and Chinese Checkers!"

What Twitcher F451 does to people, Photon T-34 does to infrastructure: he finds its greatest weaknesses and uses them to destroy it. Much like his teammate, Photon T-34 doesn't spend much time with his fellow Decepticons; but while others avoid Twitcher for his toxic personality, Photon avoids his fellows because they get in his damn way.

"Scout. Shoot. Sabotage."
―Photon T-34's packaging tagline



  • Photon T-34 (Real Gear Robots, 2007)
A redeco of Spy Shot 6, Photon T-34 transforms into a (non-functional) digital camera. Like all Real Gear Robots toys, his robot mode is apparently at 1:1 scale. The camera's shutter button clicks merrily when pressed. The camera's viewfinder is transparent, but far too small and blurry actually to see through it. His viewscreen has a picture of Frenzy with Low Battery, Night Mode and No Power symbols in the top corners.


  • The Shattered Glass version of Reflector looks like a reverse-colored Photon T-34.

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