Specifics: fiction |
As a washout from the Elite Guard, Optimus Prime, currently known as Optimus Magnus, was reassigned to space bridge repair duty under the supervision of Ratchet. He is a relatively naive and idealistic young leader, prone to long-winded "inspirational" speeches who leads a small and inexperienced Autobot space bridge maintenance team. Recently, his crew has landed on Earth, adopted jobs as semi-official superheroes and currently live in an abandoned Sumdac Systems warehouse.
Despite his humble "Bot Next Door" persona, he performs his job with a dedicated seriousness. He transforms into a red truck cab that can be fitted with many kinds of "trailer" attachments (most notably one that makes him look like a fire engine) and wields a kicky rocket-propelled extendable battle axe, as well as multiple arm mounted modifications, including grappler cables, fire extinguishers and bola-whip throwers.
Sentinel Prime sneers at Optimus's lowly repair job, and Supreme Commander Ultra Magnus once held the young officer in low regard. More than anything, Prime wanted to be a hero. He's had the speeches, he had the moves...but what was he missing? Maybe The Touch? But since coming to Earth, Optimus has learned the truth about heroism. It's not about glory and destiny, it's about doing the right thing and going to your limit and beyond. Ratchet, for all his cynicism, knows that Prime is a hero, and after seeing him in action, Ultra Magnus himself admitted that Optimus has excellent leadership skills.
- "So, this is what it feels like to be a hero..."
- ―Optimus upon his (temporary) death[["Transform and Roll Out!"| [src]]]
- Hungarian toy commercial name: Optimusz Fővezér ("Supreme Commander Optimus"
- )
Optimus Prime is the commander of a ragtag and largely inexperienced group of Autobots. The 2nd oldest of the group (after Ratchet, of coarse). He’s a born leader, a natural tactician, a dedicated never-say-die fighter and a master of improvisation in the face of adversity. Unassuming, humble, friendly and cheerful, Prime comes across as “The Bot Next Door.” He takes his mission and his men with the utmost seriousness, but is still able to relate to them as a regular guy. He’s not the kind of leader who needs to bark orders to command respect. He is usually the first to join the fight and the last to leave it putting himself before any member of his team.
When Optimus Prime crashed to Earth with the rest of the Autobots, he didn't really know what it meant to be a hero. He spent most of his time in space dreaming of glory, but it wasn't until he was first faced with the terrible decisions that inevitably come with leadership that he finally understood. He became a true hero - a being who does what he does not for glory and fame, but because no-one else can do it.
As a special kind of Prime of the Elite Guard, equipped with blasters and blades, and wields a strong, rocket-propelled, extendable battle axe, as well as multiple arm mounted modifications, including grappler cables, fire extinguishers and bola-whip throwers.
Optimus Prime possesses a wide variety of skills and abilities. His main one is his arm mounted grappling hook launchers, which Optimus can use to swing through the air, or to reach things a distance away from him. The launchers can also shoot out bolas to tie up the legs of his opponents, fire retardant foam, and low friction gel.
Optimus wields a rocket powered axe. The axe can transform from a small hatchet into a full-sized battle axe, and the handle can extend even further to allow Optimus to pole vault when needed. The rocket engine assists with swings to lend more power to attacks.
Optimus also exhibited an ability to tap into phone and radio signals in Return of the Headmaster, using an antenna built into his "earpiece". In the same episode, he also demonstrated an ability to track signals back to their origin. Optimus also possesses a retractable mouth plate/battle mask like several of the other Autobots for battle mode purposes.
In “Endgame” Optimus Prime receives the ultimate upgrade – a rocket pack! These jet engines allow Optimus to fly at high speeds to compete with Decepticons on their own ground, although as he is not a natural flyer Optimus is not as experienced in aerial combat as the Decepticons are.
On top of all this, Optimus Prime has extensive Autobot Academy training. In addition to his agility and Elite Guard-class skills, he has the tactical knowledge that comes with the role, such as tricking Headmaster into transforming and crushing his Headmaster unit in Transwarped.
To top it all off, in the final battle Optimus Prime wields the Magnus Hammer, which can call down blasts of thunder and generate storms. There's just no stopping him!
- Supplementary battle armor.
- Rocket-assisted axe.
- Grapnel launcher in arm.
- Can cut reinforced steel.
- Advanced fire-fighting systems.
- Trained at the Autobot Academy.
Transformers Animated cartoon[]
- Voice actor: David Kaye (English), Hiroki Takahashi (Japanese), Bernd Vollbrecht (German), Yang Seokjeong (South Korea)

"Whoa-oh! Surprise hug from Mr. Freaky-Big-Chin!"
On a mission, Optimus and Elita-1 accompanied Sentinel to a forbidden organic planet in search of a lost Decepticon ship rumored to be rich in Energon. After finding the planet to be infested with giant spiders, the trio finally decided to leave, but their retreat was not easy. Though Optimus and Elita found the Decepticon ship and its coveted energon cubes, they were forced to escape when spiders surrounded them. However, Elita was left behind, presumed destroyed in an energon explosion. Sentinel was furious and blamed Optimus for her death. Along Came a Spider
Facing court martial by Ultra Magnus regarding the events of what happened to Elita-1 and breaking the strict rule against going near or landing on planets occupied by organics, Sentinel accused Optimus of not going back for her. Despite Sentinel's false accusations, Optimus took the blame of the whole incident saying that he was the "Senior cadet" so it was "his responsibility for all losses". Leaving Ultra Magnus no choice, Optimus was discharged from the Academy and forbidden from joining the Elite Guard. However, Ultra Magnus still thought that Optimus was special and gave him the rank of Prime, along with giving him leadership of an old ship and a small space bridge repair crew. Endgame, Part 1
Thousands of stellar cycles later, Prime and his crew came across the AllSpark while repairing a Space Bridge and brought the artifact aboard their ship. During transport, they were discovered by the Decepticons, and Megatron came after them. He proved too strong to take head on (in spite of his subordinate planting a bomb on his chassis), but when Teletran-1 neared Earth, Prime knocked Megatron overboard. The Autobots stayed in stasis for the next 50 years until they were accidentally awakened by an apparent intruder. Optimus and the Autobots took on Earth vehicles as alternate modes in an attempt to assimilate with what they believed to be the local dominant culture. Prime and his team were able to dispatch a bio-mechanical insectoid that was attacking Detroit. They were hailed as heroes for it.

Put what where?! Why did Bumblebee TELL you that???!?!
Over the next several weeks, the Autobots got to learn human culture and customs, doing their best to prevent disasters and save lives. Eventually, Starscream came for the AllSpark, and Optimus found that the schemer could pack quite a punch. The Autobot officer was still able to keep Starscream from getting the artifact, though at the cost of his life. However, he was quickly revived by Sari Sumdac and her AllSpark-influenced key. Later, the Autobots helped rebuild parts of Detroit that were destroyed in their battle with Starscream. Transform and Roll Out!
Unfortunately for Optimus, he had gained a reputation outside of Earth's atmosphere—not as a hero, but as the slayer of Megatron. The Decepticon Blitzwing placed a large bounty on his head, and pretty soon, Lockdown came to collect. He captured Prime and stole his axe and grapplers. Fortunately, Ratchet saved him, finally getting the old bot to open up more. The Thrill of the Hunt

"Lets tango."
"But I have four left feet."
During the Autobots' first Halloween on Earth, the Decepticon Blackarachnia ambushed Bumblebee and Bulkhead and kidnapped Sari. When Optimus Prime tried to fight Blackarachnia, she dodged all his moves, as she had trained with him. Prime was shocked to learn that Blackarachnia was his old Autobot Academy classmate Elita-1, who hadn't died but been mutated while fighting off the giant arachnids those many years ago. Blackarachnia tried to use Sari's AllSpark key to remove the organic aspects from her biology, but the key began to drain the life from everything organic around and nearly killed Blackarachnia herself. Prime removed the key, saving Blackarachnia and the organics. Still calling her Elita, Prime tried to convince her to return to the Autobots so they could try and help her. She repaid that kindness by injecting him with venom and telling him that she would never trust him again. Prime was left to reflect on the friend he'd failed not once, but twice. Along Came a Spider
When Decepticon energy signals were detected near the city, the Autobots quickly realized that their options were limited. Bulkhead mentioned that the Dinobots might help, forcing Prowl to reveal how the two moved them to Dinobot Island. Prime's reaction was...displeased, to say the least. Ranting that all he had to command were insubordinate malfunctions, Prime also concluded that the Key was no longer safe with Sari, and he ordered Ratchet to take it from her. As Sari ran off crying, Bumblebee mouthed off that their situation was an indication that Prime was unfit for command.
Heading to Dinobot Island, Prime did not get off to a good start with Grimlock, mostly because Grimlock considered him lunch. After Prowl smoothed things over, Prime tried to convince them to help the Autobots fight the Decepticons, but Grimlock was uninterested. Receiving word from Ratchet that the Key had been stolen, Prime ordered Ratchet to guard the AllSpark while the Autobots headed back for the mainland. Prime himself also began to wonder if he was fit for command, seeing as all his decisions had blown up in his face. When Bumblebee contacted the Autobots to inform them that Starscream was at Sumdac Tower, he refused Prime's order to hold back and went to attack the Decepticon on his own. Prime dryly noted that the day just kept getting better and better.
Then everything pretty much went to hell when Megatron burst out of Sumdac Tower, to the shock and horror of just about everyone. Megatron Rising - Part I
Quickly regaining their composure, the Autobots attacked. Megatron beat the slag out of them. Though Optimus fared slightly better, Megatron still brought him down fairly quickly. They were only able to escape when Megatron punished Starscream for his betrayal. Taking refuge within Sumdac Tower, Professor Sumdac explained his role in Megatron's revival and helped repair the Autobots with residual key energy. After Bumblebee called Prime to answer for his earlier assessment of them, Prime admitted he was wrong and asked them for forgiveness. When Ratchet and Sari showed up with Teletran-1, the Autobots took flight, hoping to lure the Decepticons away from Earth to prevent human casualties. Unfortunately, the Decepticons shot down the vessel and caused it to crash on Dinobot Island.
"Now, light our darkest hour!"
As the Autobots took on the Decepticons, Optimus faced down Megatron, which went as well as the first time. When Megatron got into the Autobots' ship, he took the AllSpark and placed the powerful artifact within him, using it as a weapon against Prime. However, Megatron had dropped the key, and Sari threw it to Prime. The Autobot officer used the key to send a surge of energy through the AllSpark, causing it to disperse while still in Megatron. With the threat passed, Prime apologized to Sari and returned the key, saying it was too important to be trusted with an Autobot. Megatron Rising - Part II
After the battle with the Decepticons, the Cybertron Elite Guard arrived to take the AllSpark back to Cybertron. Optimus explained that the AllSpark had been dispersed and that the Decepticons had been defeated. Sentinel Prime accused Optimus of lying and took every chance he could to belittle his former friend, but Ultra Magnus decided to investigate their claims. Optimus took them to Dinobot Island, but the Autobots did not make a good impression on the Dinobots. Before they could investigate, they received a message from Ratchet, saying that police drones had gone haywire at a Sumdac Systems manufacturing plant. Optimus managed to get Sari inside and shut off the assembly line, but the key was stuck in the console. Before Optimus could help, Sentinel pushed him aside and promised to see Optimus charged for high treason. Tired of Sentinel's slag, Optimus finally stuck up for himself and told Sentinel where to shove it, destroying the console the key was stuck in and revealing an AllSpark fragment. Ultra Magnus accepted the shard as proof of Optimus Prime's claims. Though Sentinel still refused to believe him, Magnus said that Optimus Prime displayed many qualities that Sentinel himself could use. The Elite Guard

When Sentinel and Optimus were at a press conference with Mayor Edsel, they received a call about a Decepticon sighting in old Detroit. After Sentinel mangled the roads en route, he told Optimus to split up and search on his own. Hours later, Optimus received a communication to from Sentinel to dismiss the police and come to Sentinel's location alone—and not to laugh when he got there. What Optimus found was Sentinel Prime's severed head, with his body having been stolen by the Headmaster. He promised to help Sentinel find his body without letting Ultra Magnus or the other Autobots know, but not before taking a moment or two to enjoy the situation.
Heading for Sumdac Tower, Optimus confronted Porter C. Powell, who denied knowing where Masterson was and told him the Autobots were no longer welcome at the facility. Optimus left, but immediately tapped in on Powell and Masterson's phone conversation, letting Optimus track Masterson to the docks. After encountering mini-Headmasters in the form of Tutor Bot and Sparkplug, Optimus was able to get aboard the ship before it sailed away. Finding the Headmaster with Sentinel Prime's body, Optimus Prime proceeded to beat the living slag out of his attacker, much to Sentinel's discomfort. Finally defeating the mad scientist, Optimus reattached Sentinel's head to his body, but Masterson walked away due to legal technicalities. When Ultra Magnus asked them about it the next day, Optimus covered for Sentinel, saying that Sentinel had volunteered to use himself as bait to capture Masterson, and Magnus praised their bravery. In an awkward moment, Sentinel thanked Optimus for all he'd done, and the two shook hands amicably. The Return of the Headmaster

Jay Leno VS. Bruce Campbell, Battle of chins.
When word of Decepticon attacks came after learning that Megatron was still alive, Ultra Magnus decided that Optimus and his Autobots would be needed elsewhere repairing damaged space bridges. The Elite Guard also wanted Optimus to...leave out that whole destruction of the AllSpark and Megatron's survival thing for the time being. When they detected an AllSpark shard energy signature in a human train, the Elite Guard went to retrieve it. Detecting Starscream, Optimus realized it was a trap and was forced to place stasis cuffs on Sentinel Prime to leave the Elite Guard's ship. Meeting up with his crew, he helped them remove the shard and save the humans. Magnus and Sentinel, who by now had broken out of his cuffs, were about to rip Optimus a new one for insubordination, assault, and the lack of evidence over the Decepticons—at which point Starscream's body crashed mere meters away from them, having been offlined by Megatron (again). When Starscream knocked out Ultra Magnus, Optimus took command (much to Sentinel's displeasure). He managed to place the stasis-cuffs on Starscream, and Ultra Magnus decided that Optimus Prime and his team would be allowed to stay on Earth, locate the remaining AllSpark shards, and arrest the remaining Decepticons. Mission Accomplished
Later on, when Bulkhead brought Scrapper and Mixmaster back to Autobot headquarters, Optimus was not impressed with their antics and demanded that they leave. Optimus warned Bulkhead that the duo were not worth spending time with and that they were not capable of learning the ways of an Autobot. After the Constructicons were 'persuaded' by Megatron that their talents would be better utilized in the Decepticon ranks, Prime was furious and despite Bulkhead's insistence that they were his friends, Optimus questioned that they didn't know any better.
Unfortunately, he was proved right when Mixmaster and Scrapper showed up and demanded that they hand over the AllSpark fragments, to which Prime naturally refused. A struggle ensued (in which Ratchet and Bumblebee insisted Prime was 'their dipstick') and Mixmaster held Bumblebee hostage and demands the AllSpark. Prime tried to stall for time and Bulkhead handed over the fragments, to Prime's dismay. Bulkhead then 'had one for the road' and his scheme came to light. With the fragments retrieved, Optimus consoled a distraught Bulkhead and assured him that as long as the Constructicons (now having lost their memory due to the explosion caused by the tainted oil) were not wearing Decepticon badges, they still had a choice. Rise of the Constructicons

At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall melt.
After learning that the Dinobots helped Meltdown escape, Prime took Prowl and Bumblebee to investigate Dinobot Island. There, he learned that Blackarachnia was manipulating the Dinobots, and had struck a deal with Meltdown to remove her organic half. However, Meltdown needed a genetic modifier. Blackarachnia, having poisoned Prowl and Bumblebee with her venom, told Prime to help Grimlock get the modifier in exchange for the antivenom that would save his Autobots. Though Prime tried to convince Grimlock of Blackarachnia's evil intentions, Grimlock would hear none of it. Returning to the mainland, Prime revoked his "protector of humanity" title long enough for Grimlock to "convince" Porter C. Powell to tell them where the modifier was. When Powell realized it was valuable, Prime was tempted to let Grimlock finish him off, but decided the Autobots didn't have time. Returning to Dinobot Island, Meltdown turned the tables on them, revealing that he planned to remove Blackarachnia's mechanic half, and sicced his experiments on Prime and Grimlock. With the other Dinobots help, they sent the mutants packing. Prime then removed the modifier before Meltdown could finish his experiments, and exposure to the modifier caused Meltdown to break apart. Blackarachnia urged Optimus to come closer, but Grimlock's jealousy caused him to attack, allowing Blackarachnia to flee. When Prime went to Prowl and Bumblebee, he found the anti-venom, and saved their sparks. Although Powell tried to have Prime arrested, Fanzone refused to do anything about it. Because she left the anti-venom, however, Optimus Prime was hopeful that somewhere beneath the anger and betrayal of Blackarachnia, there was still something left of Elita-1... Black Friday
When Bulkhead was kidnapped by Megatron, Bumblebee brought home Blurr, an Elite Guard intelligence agent who had been assigned to monitor the Decepticons and investigate Optimus Prime's crew (good odds on the one who gave Blurr his orders). When Blurr revealed where the Decepticons were, and that they were building a space bridge with Isaac Sumdac's help, Prime ordered Ratchet and Sari to get the ship back online, while he and the others went to rescue Bulkhead and stop the Decepticons. Before he left, he admitted that he wasn't sure if Professor Sumdac was willingly cooperating with the Decepticons, but promised Sari that he would bring him home alive. Heading to the mines, they were ambushed by Blitzwing and Lugnut, who were incapacitated by Blurr. Reaching the control room, the Autobots were incapacitated by the Constructicons. Fortunately, the Decepticons were too busy with the sudden arrival of Starscream and his clones/Seekers to immediately kill them. A Bridge Too Close, Part I
Managing to free himself, Optimus found himself in the odd position of fighting side by side with Megatron. But the battle went against the Autobots, with Blurr and a pair of clones/Seekers sucked into the space bridge and the other Autobots incapacitated. In typical Decepticon fashion, Megatron used Prime as a human (metaphorically speaking) shield against the clones. After the battle, Megatron decided to use Prime as a test to see if the space bridge worked, where Prime would be eliminated by Shockwave if it did. Fortunately, Prowl managed to break free from his stasis cuffs and shatter Optimus Prime's, allowing him to grapple Megatron. However, the power cut out, forcing Megatron to use the severed head of Starscream to further power the bridge, causing an overload. Prime managed to slap stasis cuffs on Megatron, sending him into the bridge. The Autobots were nearly sucked in as well, but Omega Supreme arrived and sacrificed himself to save them. As the bridge self-destructed, the Autobots managed to escape before the mountain came down on top of them. Though they mourned the losses of Omega and Blurr, Megatron's plot was foiled, so the Autobots could breathe a collective sigh of relief.
Sighs of relief which turned to gasps of shock and horror when Sari noticed that the skin of her arm had been torn... revealing robotic circuitry underneath! A Bridge Too Close, Part II
After discovering Sari's identity as a Cybertronian, Optimus took the liberty of taking care of her (after observing upon being a fatherly role model) while she was dealing with her identity crisis and trust issues with her father. Eventually, Optimus sets up both Sumdacs at the Burger Bot to make up, until Masterson and his new Starscream body interfere. Optimus finally defeats him by tricking him into transforming into a jet and the Sumdacs have a family moment. After the catastrophic events of Sari's upgrade, Optimus reveals the coordinates of the Autobot base to Professor Sumdac after alerting him about Sari's condition (despite the complaints by his team), declaring that "there will be no more secrets in this family."
After discovering that Megatron and Starscream had taken over Omega Supreme, Optimus and Prowl infiltrate the Autobot to help their friend gain control of his body. At one point, Optimus even tells Ratchet that he might have to undo the medical procedure that controlled the AllSpark energy within Sari's newly upgraded body and use it against Omega. (You are never winning 'father of the year' that way, Optimus...) Optimus dukes it out with Megatron long enough for Bumblebee to plant the plasma dynamic thruster on Omega, making the Decepticons transwarp randomly around space. TransWarped
When 'Wasp' (who was really Bumblebee in disguise) escapes the plant, Optimus and Ratchet try to help the Elite Guard capture him. At the same time, Optimus tries to convince Sentinel Prime that Wasp was framed as the Decepticon spy. After the real Wasp finally reveals himself (he and Bumblebee had switched paint jobs) and escapes, Optimus finally convinces Sentinel that Longarm Prime isn't what he appears to be... Where Is Thy Sting?
While trying to track down an escaped Wasp with Prowl and Jazz, Optimus witnesses a strange helmeted figure before seeing Sentinel capturing a Starscream clone. The Autobot leader becomes suspicious, while Sentinel assumes that he's jealous since he's catching the Decepticons that Optimus had failed to do with his team. Eventually, Optimus helps the Elite Guard capture one of the Deceptions and informing Cliffjumper that all of the credit went to Prowl, all the while being alerted about Ultra Magnus' condition. After Sentinel asks why Optimus gave all the credit to the ninja bot, Optimus merely answers (after telling Sentinel to stop being so selfish): "When the smoke clears, we're going to have it out." Five Servos of Doom
Finally tracking down Wasp once again, Sentinel's ego gets the best of Optimus as both Primes bicker about who's in charge of taking custody of the fugitive. Wasp takes the advantage to escape but is captured by the Dinobot Swoop, leaving Optimus and Bumblebee behind as Sentinel and the twins take pursuit of the fugitive. After encountering Blackarachnia, Sentinel and Optimus bicker (again) on why Optimus didn't tell his friend sooner about Blackarachnia's identity, Optimus replying that he didn't know how Sentinel would handle it. When an angry Waspinator attacks Blackarachnia after overhearing that his friend had used him as a guinea pig to help remove her organic half, Optimus tries to save her but instead witnesses her sacrifice to save everyone as she, along with Waspinator (and half of Dinobot Island) transwarps to parts unknown. In the aftermath, Optimus and Sentinel are left alone to discuss their past differences. Optimus apologizes for not telling him about Elita-1 while Sentinel accepts further saying "it's too late for apologizes". Optimus claims that "for better or worse" that Cybertron needed a leader while Ultra Magnus was recovering; Sentinel. Predacons Rising

During Christmas Eve, Optimus is suspicious about the release of Porter C. Powel's Soundwave toy (as the toy specs were stolen from Professor Sumdac and that the 'innocent' toy was once a Decepticon). Eventually, a sentient Soundwave toy lures Optimus to a speeding bullet train which almost takes his head off. On Christmas morning, he is the first of the Autobots to discover that he was mysteriously transformed into a human. After seeing Megatron and the Decepticons vanish after doing battle, Optimus later discovers that their human forms are merely part of a virtual reality program made by Soundwave to contain them. With the help of Prowl, Optimus helps his team regain their Autobot bodies...only to be ambushed by Soundwave himself! Human Error, Part 1
While trying to find a way out of Soundwave's virtual reality program, Optimus and the other Autobots become captured and brainwashed by Soundwave to obey him and destroy Sari, who's technorganic form made her resistant to Soundwave's powers. While doing battle with the Substitute Autobots, Soundwave focuses all his power on controlling Optimus, who almost chops Sari in half with his axe. When Soundwave's control is broken over him (thanks to Prowl, who had resisted Soundwave's control by using "processor over matter"), Optimus is pitted against the Decepticon in an epic guitar showdown and finally cuts Soundwave down to size - quite literally - with his own guitar, ending Soundwave's control over Detroit and destroying all of the Soundwave toys in the process. Human Error, Part 2
Upon picking up a distress signal from Sentinel Prime out in space (who's team was attacked by the newly revived Swindle and the other Decepticon prisoners), Optimus uses the newly constructed space bridge on Earth to transwarp to Sentinel's ship. Optimus had unknowingly followed Swindle's private transwarp frequency, forcing him to pop out of Swindle's dimensional storage space (the seemingly bottomless "drawer" in his chest) and gave the element of surprise to everyone on board the ship. Optimus eventually distracts the Decepticons long enough to free the others, only to be pulled into space to battle the Decepticons once more (while Swindle loots Sentinel's ship). During the battle, Blitzwing seems to have the advantage when he threatens to destroy Sentinel, but once he captures the Autobots and prepares to freeze them, his plan backfires as he and the other Decepticons become frozen instead. Secretly, this was Optimus' intention all along as he gave an order earlier to Jazz, while secretly issuing the real one through Cybertronian optical code. Humbled, Sentinel offers his spot on the Elite Guard to Optimus as he is to become Magnus once he returns to Cybertron, but Optimus declines the title, replying that he "still has business on Earth". Decepticon Air

Prime eventually gets his hands on a jetpack after realising he just isn't as awesome as Cybertron Optimus Prime.
When Bulkhead and Bumblebee discovered that Omega Supreme was on the moon, Ratchet suggested that they go to the moon to save him and Arcee. Ratchet also suggested that they use the Magnus Hammer to defeat Megatron. Prime naturally refused and said that he wanted an upgrade to use to equal the field against Megatron. Sari, Professor Sumdac, and (with great reluctance) Ratchet did deliver in the form of a brand new jet pack. Optimus was having doubts about being a hero when the time came to face Megatron but Prowl convinced him otherwise. When Lugnut Supreme invaded Earth, Prime went out with the Magnus Hammer to face the new threat. Endgame, Part 1
With Prowl's help, Optimus used the Magnus Hammer against the Lugnut Supremes (with successfully eliminating one of them). Megatron eventually went after Optimus in order to buy some time for the clones to destroy the rest of the city. When Starscream revealed his plans to blow up Megatron, Optimus and the Decepticon leader were caught in the crossfire. Before the bomb went off, the spirit of a fallen Prowl rescued Optimus from the blast and saved his life. When Optimus finally defeated Megatron, he refused to finish him off, explaining that Megatron didn't deserve it. Instead, Optimus and his crew brought Megatron (along with the other Decepticons) back to Cybertron under custody, where Optimus was celebrated as a hero. Endgame, Part II
Transformers Animated[]
- CYBERTRON Mode Optimus Prime (Deluxe, 2008)

"I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay. I sleep all night and I work all day."
- Based on his pre-Earth Cybertronian look, the first version of Transformers Animated Optimus Prime transforms into a half-track Cybertronic truck loosely based on the Mitsubishi Fuso Hybrid concept truck with some heavy sci-fi influences. As a half-track, instead of rear wheels, he has molded, caterpillar-linked tracks with smaller wheels inside for rolling along smooth surfaces. Prime's axe weapon is stored by partially folding the axe at the grey hinge near the handle peg, then placing the handle peg in a hole on the back of the cab (actually his two fists' holes, thus helping them hold it in position) with the blade facing down and a grey peg facing up, acting as a "fifth wheel" (known as a trailer hitch among fans), should one find a suitable trailer to attach onto it. The peg also resembles the rocket thruster on the back of Prime's axe in robot mode.
- He has a superb range of articulation, as is the standard with Transformers Animated toys, due to the extensive use of ball joints and universal hinge joints. As stated above, the hitch assembly becomes his axe, which can be wielded with one blade (for the rocket-boosted look) or have the single blade split to form a double-bladed axe. The truck roof can be mounted on his left arm as a shield or spread apart and attached to the axe to become giant energon blades.
- Optimus Prime vs. Megatron: The Battle Begins (Deluxe class figure multi-pack, 2008)

- The Deluxe-class Earth Mode Optimus Prime has a very similar engineering design to to the Deluxe-class Cybertron Mode Optimus Prime figure. He has a battle-damaged deco and comes with a Deluxe-class Cybertron Mode Megatron figure as well as a DVD featuring the first episode of Transformers Animated. He has a distinctively more Generation One look than other Transformers Animated Primes, given the addition of smokestacks (a detail absent from the animation model) and a lack of black beneath the silver stripes. Like deluxe Megatron, he features a punching/axe slashing gimmick, where twisting his spring-loaded waist will snap back for a "robot punch." His axe (which is the most show-accurate out of all of his toys) stores in his aft section. There are actually 4 wheels on his legs, so that the tires are always on the outside. Unfortunately, he can't skate on them like in the show.
- Optimus Prime (Activators, 2008)

Domo-arigato, mister roboto!
- A smaller-scale Optimus Prime with a push-button, spring-loaded transformation.
- Optimus Prime (Voyager, 2008)

Hey, whatever happened to that mouthplate?
- Based on his Earth look, a futuristic fire truck. His rear portion includes a giant extinguisher cannon, which can become a hand weapon and really squirts water. His trailer also transforms into a giant, opened-up ion axe. These weapons can store on his back, giving the appearance of wings and a jet pack. The toy features a mouthplate which can slide up to cover his face or retract down below. He also has an Automorph feature: Pressing a button on his...butt...flips down and rotates his...crotch...into the proper position for robot mode. Please, Hasbro, no more features in those areas. The Japenese TakaraTomy release features shiny silver paint in areas that are gray on the Hasbro version.
- He is the only action figure in the Transformers Animated line to not have a faction symbol, although later releases sport a silver symbol.
- Roll-Out Command Optimus Prime (Supreme, 2008)

Be sociable, have a Pepsi!
- This super-sized Prime figure (which is fairly the same size as Earth Mode Megatron) is sculpted around one major gimmick: rolling the toy forward in vehicle mode causes the cab to spin around, slowly unfolding into the robot mode torso. The legs are subsequently transformed manually, completing the robot mode. Pressing the Autobot insignia between Prime's windows and the lights on his roof all activate assorted electronic effects, including red LEDs in his lightbar, yellow LEDs in his headlights and eyes, and sound effects including engine revving noises, a siren, and four speech clips featuring the voice of David Kaye. In robot mode, Prime's (non-retractable) mouthplate jiggles up and down in time with his speech.
- Prime is armed with a particularly cartoon-accurate axe, which can be held in either hand, but which specifically interacts with his right one. Placing the axe in his fist and pressing the button on the back of his hand triggers the axe's pop-out translucent blades and rocket jet. Pushing down on the tab built into the back of his right shoulder extends the arm out fully, and releasing it lets Prime swing his axe down, accompanied by an electronic slashing noise. The left arm has a similar effect, except pushing the tab thrusts his arm forward in a punch, with accompanying sound effect.
- While Prime's legs have a high range of articulation, like most Transformers Animated toys, his torso is heavily beholden to its gimmicks, and features no effective articulation whatsoever - the only part of his body above his waist that you can manipulate that isn't part of a gimmick is his right elbow.
- This transformation gimmick is not unlike the Autorollers. He even has a locking switch that is located on the bumper. The switch is somewhat inactive in robot mode, which is just as well, as it is on his butt. What part of "Please, Hasbro, no more features in those areas," don't you understand?
- Bumper Battlers Optimus Prime (Bumper Battlers, 2008)
- Bumper Battlers Nightwatch Optimus Prime (Bumper Battlers, 2008)
- Repaint of the regular Bumper Battler Prime in the Shattered Glass color scheme.
- Optimus Prime (McDonald's Happy Meal toys, 2008)
- A simple version of Optimus Prime with a very simple transformation sequence: pulling down the legs, pulling out the arms from his back and flipping up the head. Rather unusual among the McDonald's Transformers Animated toys, which typically have one show-accurate mode and one non-show-accurate mode, Optimus manages to pull off both modes with reasonable show-accuracy.
- Optimus Prime (Legends Animated Deluxe 3-pack, 2008)
- Revealed on an instruction sheet[1] on Hasbro's website, this 3-pack includes a Universe Legends Optimus Prime, Universe Legends Bumblebee and an Animated Deluxe Stealth Lockdown.
- Wingblade Optimus Prime (Voyager, 2010)
- This version of Optimus Prime is mostly comprised of transparent plastic with metallic paint applications. He features a new trailer with wings and twin missile launchers, which transforms into a jetpack, alternative arms, the Magnus Hammer, and twin shoulder-mounted missile launchers. He still includes the original trailer, though. Unfortunately, this toy was not released by Hasbro because the toyline was cancelled. However, it was released by TakaraTomy in Japan. In a bizarre undocumented feature, the new fists are designed with two slots, one to hold the new Magnus Hammer, and one to hold the original Hammer that came with Ultra Magnus
Universe (2008)[]
- Optimus Prime (Legends, 2008)
- A Legends-scale Optimus was announced at TFcon. It was released under the Universe Legends line, with the Universe packaging instead of Animated.

Optimus Prime
- He is the first Optimus Prime who's NOT the leader of the Autobots. He is the leader of a simple Repairbot crew instead.
- Optimus was killed off after only one episode (three if you want to get technical) and revived 1 minute and 15 seconds later. That's gotta be a new record.
- The placement of the front wheels for Optimus's Cybertronian vehicle mode is similar in location to that for Optronix.
- The English voice of Optimus, David Kaye, had previously voiced Megatron for a few past series. Kinda makes you think, doesn't it?
- As well as having a resemblance to Optronix (Optimus's pre-Prime form from the G1 Dreamwave comics), Optimus Prime's Cybertronian form also bears a strong resemblance to Orion Pax (Optimus's pre-Prime form from the G1 cartoon). As well as that, he starts off in the series as a simple worker/repairman in another similar fashion to Orion.
- He possesses the most humiliating weapons of all time — the face foamers.
- The twin cylinder-shaped protrusions connected to Optimus' small antennae are inspired by the head design of the 2007 movie rendition of Optimus Prime, as opposed to the traditional single cylinder.
- He obviously doesn't allow Sari to eat all the candy from the candy machine in the Home Base. Sari, No One's Home
- While Sentinel Prime does a lot of down talking to Optimus Prime, they are, in fact, the same rank.
- Despite nominally being a fire truck, Prime's alt mode features a detachable cab that can mount a number of different trailers, such as a lookalike of G1 Optimus' trailer and a dump truck. Presumably, this would make his alt mode not a fire truck, but a semi-truck outfitted as a fire truck. Score one for the old fans!
- At the end of "Transform And Roll Out", Prime's spark is contained in the same place ordinarily reserved for the Matrix in other continuities.
- Like his Generation 1 counterpart, this Optimus's trailer almost invariably disappears COMPLETELY when he transforms, assuming it's there to begin with. This even happens when it isn't his trailer. Garbage In, Garbage Out Even Prime himself is just as confused as to where it goes. Career Day Subspace shunting? Unicron Singularity? Or...something more? In "Decepticon Air" he seemed to be able to throw off his trailer instead of it disappearing, it may have crashed too. His toys often seem to have the trailers as his weapons and so they may turn into his Axe which he takes out from his back.
- Optimus Prime's bio on his Happy Meal toy at McDonald's says he is a FIRE TRUCK CAB.
- Optimus Prime is not the first Autobot leader to wield an axe, but is the only Prime so far to make it his main gimmick.
- He IS the first Prime, however, to wield a RAWK AWESOME AXE as a weapon...
- Prime's signature move/attention grabber seems to be an axe to the back rather than a barrage of blaster fire. This is his only effective attack, while frontal assaults tend to be dodged, deflected, or caught by the handle.
- His bola-whip throwers, conversely, have only been used in the episode Home Is Where the Spark Is and TransWarped. Frankly confusing seeing as he uses his grappling hooks to tie up most of his enemies and you guessed it, the badguy breaks out and swings him round like a merciless John Travolta on the dance floor. Yeah real clever Prime.
- Another one of his tools he once used was a capture net. You gotta ask why is it Prowl has a seemingly infinite amount of throwing stars yet Prime has only a handful of actually useful tools he seldomely uses.
- Optimus is the only one to narrate two "MEET" shorts, doing both Bulkhead and Megatron.
- In the season finale, Prime gets a jet pack, but before the jet pack get stabilizers and guns, it looks just like Classics Jetfire jet pack. Hmmm.
- At the end of the episode "Endgame, Part II", there's a medal that looks...no, the REAL Matrix of Leadership around Optimus Prime's neck. It's even on a chain and it's stylish. Huh?
- Optimus Prime's new jetpack and armor from "Endgame, Part I" and "Endgame, Part II" are reminiscent Powermaster Optimus Prime's APEX armor, namely the armguards and wings from his jet pack, but the shoulder cannons are like those of Victory Saber.
- Optimus Prime's chest of the earth mode resembles Star Convoy.
- The pentagonal shape atop his helmet resembles that of a fireman's helmet.
- The ability to recede his faceplate into his helmet resembles that of a few of his brothers... HUH?... DUBBLE HUH... and TRIPPEL HUH?!
- This Optimus Prime is one of the few to not have his Japanese name include "Convoy" anywhere in it. In fact, his Japanese name is the same as his English name, "Optimus Prime".-->