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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
The Nokia robot is a Real Gear Robot from the Movie continuity family.

Concept Art for Nokia Bot

The Nokia robot is a Nokia N93i cell phone formerly owned by Glen Whitmann and transformed into a Transformer by the power of the All Spark. It's a rather violent and hysterical creature, armed with several weapons including a minigun and a tiny missile launcher.

"It's like the itty-bitty Energizer Bunny from Hell, huh?"
―Agent Simmons


Transformers film[]

Nokia robot

Nokia Bot inside "The Box", after Glens phone is put in.

When asked about the All Spark's energy, Agents Simmons and Banachek took their visitors to a locked room within Sector Seven headquarters. Simmons borrows Glen's Nokia phone and places it inside a protective glass box, commenting how Nokias are particularly nasty, owing to their Japanese origins. (Maggie Madsen remarked to John Keller that Nokias are actually Finnish in origin. Keller quietly replied that Simmons was "a little strange".)

Simmons then demonstrated the power of the All Spark by giving life to the Nokia. Transforming into a spidery robot mode, the Nokia robot went crazy and started attempting to escape its glass prison by firing tiny missiles and shooting bullets, as well as slamming itself repeatedly into the glass. When it looked like the creature might break out of the case, Simmons had it blasted with an energy pulse, killing it. Glen lost his cell phone, but was too shocked to say anything. Transformers (film)


  • In the original script, the Nokia N93i was an iPod owned by Glen. It acted in the same way as the phone, and played Suicidal Tendencies' "Master of No Mercy". Michael Bay explained on his DVD audio commentary that Apple refused to license the iPod for use.
  • The burned-out husk of the dead Nokia is actually a physical prop, made from a bunch of spare Frenzy fingers all smoked and burned with a few fake Nokia bits thrown in.
  • Since the movie was released six months after Nokia announced the N93i, it was and is a somewhat expensive cellphone because of its multimedia uses, but it's amazing that Glen didn't say a word about losing his cellphone.
  • His rocket launcher seems to be based on the Russian RPG-7, the type commonly used in the middle east by terrorist groups.
  • The bot is later seen in a Verizon commercial than Michael Bay stars in where Bay flicks him aside and then promptly explodes.