The name Nightscream has been applied to several Transformers characters.
- Nightscream the Maximal bat from Beast Machines.
- Nightscream the Autobot-allied Mini-Con sports car partner to Airazor from Armada.
- Nightscream the Decepticon-allied Mini-Con partner to Rapid Run from Energon.
- Nightscream the Autobot-allied Mini-Con fighter jet from Cybertron.
- Nightscream the Autobot-allied Mini-Con dragon from the Classics series.
"Nightscream" is also the Japanese name for Energon Starscream.
Nightscream should not be confused with...
- Dark Scream the Predacon flying squirrel from Robots in Disguise.
- Nightcruz the other Mini-Con partner to Rapid Run from Energon.
- Nightflight the Decepticon Air Strike Patrol Micromaster jet from Generation One.
- Nightshriek the Maximal bat partner to Grizzly-1 from Beast Wars.
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