Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

In 2007 a live-action film based on Transformers was released, and was accompanied by a marketing and merchandise blitz. The franchise surrounding this film has no specific, official name, and as such is referred to on this Wiki as the "Movie" franchise. Further, this franchise is considered the start of a new continuity family, partly because of several points of major differentiation from Generation One, and partly as a practical bookkeeping matter: the movie franchise itself encompasses at least a dozen micro-continuities.

The Movie franchise covers the film and all related media including:

As well as an enormous swath of additional licensed material.

2007 Live-Action Movie franchise»

Film - Toyline - Books - Comics - Video games - Online games - Board and card games
