Knok is the Powermaster partner of Doubledealer. Though loyal to the Autobot cause, he's also a money-grubbing little fellow, making him a good match for the ambitious Doubledealer whose business office he helps run.
When transformed into Doubledealer's power-supply engine, Knok allows him to transform to his humanoid robot mode. Little does Knok suspect the true levels of Doubledealer's duplicity—he is totally unaware of Doubledealer's Decepticon form, or the other Powermaster partner that enables it.
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Commercial appearances[]
After Doubledealer spoke with Optimus Prime, he transformed into his missile carrier mode. Knok then transformed and attached himself to his larger partner. Knok was nowhere to be seen when Doubledealer arrived at the Decepticon camp and linked-up with Skarinstead. Doubledealer commercial
The Transformers[]

I'm really a boy with big glasses, honest. In Japan anyway.
- Doubledealer (Powermaster, 1988)
- The Transformers Knok is one of two Powermaster engine figures that came with Doubledealer. Like most Powermaster engines, he transforms by wrapping his legs around himself sideways. After transforming into an engine, he plugs into a socket on Doubledealer to unlock his Autobot robot mode.
- In Japan, this mold was slightly redecoed to make Clouder's Autobot armor and would have been used for Shinichi in earlier plans.
- More information on Knok at
Generations Selects[]
- Soundwave Spy Patrol 3rd Unit(Deluxe Class multi-pack, 2020)
- Series: War for Cybertron: Earthrise
- ID number: WFC-GS10
- Known designers: AJ Piejko-Brown(packaging)
- A Generations Selects add-on to Earthrise, Knok is a retool of SiegeRumble, transforming into a flattened box that is theoretically compatible with Siege Soundwave and Soundblaster. However due to Knok's large size, he fits very tightly into their chest compartments. He can also attach to Soundwave and other figures as some sort of shield. Primarily, Knok is meant to compliment Earthrise Doubledealer, who features a chest compartment similar to the Siege Soundwave mold. Doubledealer's torso engine block can be removed and attached to Knok's back via the flip-down tab, giving him a slightly more accurate appearance to his original toy while also allowing his engine mode to appear accurate when plugged into his larger partner's chest.
- The toy is labeled "Decepticon Knok" in the instructions, but online retailers such as Hasbro Pulse instead use "Autobot Knok"; the toy itself has no faction symbols.
- Knok was released in a Deluxe-sized four-pack with his mold-mate Frenzy, Wingthing, and fellow Powermaster Skar.