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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

Killbison is the stereotypical violent jock of the Decepticon Breastforce team. He transforms into a double-barreled tank, and like all tanks, his barrels will either be (a) bent backwards (b) yanked at or (c) made useless once the first step has been completed. His Breastforce partner is Bisonbreast, a winged bull, who does not fly and is not red. This does not keep Killbison from joining with his teammates to form Liokaiser.

His hobbies include throwing knives at pictures conveniently hung on doors, and giving the finger everytime he gets the spotlight.

(But does he kill bison? If he does, does he use every part, or does he destroy such magnificent beasts only for their tongues? Ah, the unanswered questions of life.)



Victory cartoon[]

Voice actor: Kazumi Tanaka (Japan)
Blacker vs Killbison (Victory)

Blacker dragging Killbison

(Victory) Killbison’s bent turrets

Bent turrets

Confused Killbison in front of Tacklemach

Confused Killbison

Killbison came to Earth with Drillhorn and Jarugar to join their commanding officer Leozack in service of Deathsaurus. He and the other Breastforce members mocked the Dinoforce during the mission brefing on the Thunder Arrow. Later he and the other Breastforce took part in attacking an energy plant in the desert. He and Jallguar attacked Star Saber as the Autobot arrived but were forced to face the Brainmasters. Unite!! Multiforce, Move Out! Rescue Team, Infiltration... The Uranium Mine, Explosion!! The Energy Base, Killbison and the Breastforce were stealing energy in the subway tunnels with Deathsaurus. Killbison accidentally popped up a manhole and got in a fight with Blacker. Blacker however bent Killbison’s turrets and attempted to take him hostage. Killbison however deployed Bisonbreast to fight Blacker. Big City - Underground Terror, Clash!! Two Great Heroes, The New Warrior - Hellbat, Killbison and Drillhorn were training near the Thunder Arrow. The two later prevented the Autobots from interfering an energy heist ant the Shuttle Base. Attack the Shuttle Base!! , Tanker Hijack Operation, Move Out!! Breastforce, Killbison and the Breastforce were on a heist to steal energy from a tanker however Hellbatwasn’t there to assist which forced them to retreat. Rescue Jean!!,He had a fight with Tacklemach who he has never seen, and ejected Bisonbreast but was knocked unconscious by Star Saber. Mach and Tackle, A Fierce Battle!! The Asteroid, The Breastforce traveled to planet Micro, where they grilled Hellbat over the failure of his mission with Blue Bacchus and Black Shadow. The Breastforce's real intent was to attack the Planet Micro Satellite Penitentiary and rescue their old comrade Gaihawk. Storming the prison, Killbison and the rest of the Breastforce ended up fighting Star Saber while Hellbat retrieved Gaihawk. The Decepticons escaped as the prison sank into the lava. Rescue! Gaihawk, Unite! Liokaiser, Assemble! The Warrior Combiner, Battle Up of Wrath!!, Fight to the Death!! Antarctic Battle, Crisis! Ambush in the Desert, Gaihawk assembled the Breastforce without Leozack's knowledge to go after Greatshot, but they instead ended up attacking the Autobots' Asian headquarters to draw Star Saber out. Once Star Saber had been knocked out of the sky, Killbison combined with the Breastforce to attack him as Liokaiser. A Deadly Battle, Ginrai Dies!!, Fight!! Victory Leo, Ultimate Crisis!! Autobots, Awaken! Victory Leo, After Deathsaurus used smart missiles to devastate a portion of Earth, Killbison took part in taking energy at Calcutta with Jallguar and Guyhawk, and the Autobots were powerless to stop them. The Tide is Turned! The Ultimate Weapon, the Victory Unification, Jean - Defend the Campus!!, A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs, The Death-Bringing Space Insects!!, The Strongest! Victory Saber, The Terror of the Giant Tidal Waves, The Wrath of the Resurrected Giant Fortress!

Victory manga[]




  • Killbison (1989)
Japanese ID number: D-333
Released only in Japan, Killbison transforms into a white and gold KMW Gepard anti-aircraft tank. He also forms the right leg to the combined robot Liokaiser. He came with his breastplate/gun/animal partner Bisonbreast. His tank-mode guns and turret form part of Liokaiser's gun with Jarugar's missiles.
This mold was used to make the Autobot Rescue Force tank.
  • Liokaiser (Multi-pack, 1989)
Japanese ID number: D-335
Killbison was also available in a complete six-piece box set of the entire Breastforce team. It's worth noting that this release does not have bio/tech cards for the individuals, only the combined form.

External links[]


In other transformers media Killbison’s horns are white instead of orange and are much sharper and bigger. This means that there are no cartoon accurate Killbison toys currently.
