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The name or term Jetfire refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Jetfire (disambiguation).

Back in his glory days, Jetfire was a skilled Decepticon soldier. He was one of the best of the best. He was one of the Fallen's closest workers-a Seeker. Seekers were meant to locate the tomb of the Primes. The Fallen betrayed them and abandoned Jetfire on Earth. He swore to be an autobot-and he fell into a great sleep. He woke up only to morph into a Blackbird; and he fell asleep again. Despite being old, Jetfire is still a formidable fighter, shown when he single-handedly destroys Mixmaster and kills Scorponok even after being mortally wounded.

"Do you have any idea what it's like, to slowly fall apart and die?!"
―Jetfire being old.


Revenge of the Fallen film[]

Voice actor: Mark Ryan (English)

Jetfire telling Sam about the Matrix of Leadership.

"Earth? Terrible name for a planet. Might as well call it Dirt. Planet Dirt."
―Jetfire asks what planet is he on.

Jetfire is a Seeker, the Fallen sent to find the Solar Harvester and the Matrix on Earth. He is very old and does not work very well, unlike those old bots. At some point on Earth, he took on the form of an SR-71 Blackbird spy plane and entered stasis lock, ending up in the National Air and Space Museum.

After finding out where he was located from Wheelie, Sam Witwicky, Mikaela Banes, Leo Spitz and Seymour Simmons traveled to the museum to find him. From what Wheelie said, he was likely a major Seeker at least if not the leader. The shard of the All Spark possessed by Sam Witwicky brought him out of stasis lock and the humans were afraid of him as they learned he is a Decepticon from the symbol on his alt mode.

Jetfire didn't find them worth his time and tried to blast his way out of the hangar, but failed due to his malfunctioning weapon, so he just bashed his way out. The humans and Wheelie followed him out and learned of his defection. After learning of what he did, Wheelie officially defected to the Autobots side after humping Mikaela for a few minutes. After Sam explained about the symbols he kept seeing and drawing on the ground and mentioned the Fallen, Jetfire remembered his mission and used a space bridge to teleport the group along with Bumblebee, Wheelie, Skids and Mudflap to Egypt. There he explained the story of the Fallen to the group and gave them the clue he deciphered before he passed his mission off to them. Jetfire then stayed behind in the spot where the space bridge transported them.


Jetfire is ambushed by Scorponok

During the final battle in Giza, Jetfire shows up to help, flying in in his alt-mode and trailing smoke. Jetfire somewhat crash-lands, but ends up on his feet and attacks Mixmaster who has the humans pinned down. Jetfire cuts Mixmaster in half with his battle-axe and stomps off his head, killing him, but Scorponok attacks him. Scorponok drills into Jetfire's belly, mortally wounding him before he yanks Scorponok off and holds him against a wall. Scorponok breaks free and attacks again, but Jetfire throws him off to the ground and collapses. Scorponok charges the weakened Jetfire again, but Jetfire crushes Scorponok's head with his fist, killing him and complains "I'm too old for this crap." When Sam resurrects Optimus Prime, Jetfire is stunned to see a living Prime and is dismayed when the Fallen shows up and crushes the weakened Optimus into the dirt and steals the Matrix to activate the Solar Harvester. Knowing Optimus as a Prime is the only one capable of stopping the Fallen, Jetfire tells Optimus to take his parts to defeat the Fallen and rips out his spark, killing himself. Jolt and Ratchet attach Jetfire's parts to Optimus and using them he defeats Megatron and kills the Fallen despite losing an engine. After the battle Optimus discards Jetfire's parts and its unknown what happened to them after that. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Revenge of the Fallen novel[]

After explaining of the story of the Primes and the Fallen, Jetfire is approached by another Seeker who is a biplane (the nameless Seeker may be Ransack) who located him via the space bridge opened by him. The Seeker started yelling and screaming at Jetfire and Wheelie, calling them traitors. The Seeker launches a pathetic attack against him to which he responds by crushing him with his foot. He then comments that he never liked that Seeker anyway.


Revenge of the Fallen[]

  • Jetfire (Leader, 2009)

Evidence that Decepticon heritage remains? He has a cape. Evidence that he's full of himself? "JTFR."

Jetfire transforms into a SR-71 Blackbird. His jet mode is so huge, he makes the first movie's Autobot Leader Optimus Prime look like a Legends figure next to a voyager class figure (in other words, he's twice Leader Prime's size). Like other "jet formers" (robots that transform into airplanes) his robot kibble is clearly visible on the underside. His humanoid mode features a cane made from his jet landing-gear, and he's armed with a missile-launching mini-gun. As stated in every bit of information regarding the new film, Jetfire does indeed combine with Optimus. He can say "Jetfire's my name." in a bad Scottish accent that sounds nothing like his movie voice by pressing the gimmick button. He also features flashing lights, transformation sounds, and a very quick jet fly-by noise. Like many plane-themed TransFormers, he is a sleek jet with an obscene amount of undercarriage junk made up of all his robot parts. Easily falls back if you pose him incorrectly and hardly balances without his walking stick, also, parts like to pop off of him during transformation. Guess the toy is movie accurate after all...
  • Jetfire (Legends, 2009)

Sit down or I'll hit you with my molded in cane!

A much smaller and simple version of his Leader incarnation, Jetfire has none of the larger toy's features, but, his cane is molded onto his left hand. He can also combine with the Legends Prime by tabbing a tab on the top of his jet mode into the back of Prime's neck, then you can just arrange the limbs any way that looks best. He also has duck feet.
This is the only version of Jetfire who has a Decepticon labelled packaging and a Decepticon symbol printed on him, Whereas all other versions have Autobot labels. This toy has second variation with other not so show-accurate helmet.
  • Photon Missile Jetfire (Fast Action Battler, 2009)
    • Accessories: "Photon Missile" projectile

NOBODY MOVE...I dropped me cane...

Fast Action Battler Jetfire is a simplified, roughly Deluxe-sized toy of Jetfire. In vehicle mode, he transforms into a sort of cute, super-deformed SR-71 Blackbird jet. As with most Transformers toy jets, he has a fair bit of undercarriage junk from his robot mode, though not to the extent of the Leader class toy. In robot mode he has a reasonably accurate depiction of Jetfire's design, though his right arm ends in a spring-loaded projectile launcher shaped like a rotary cannon.


  • He's the tallest Autobot in the live-action film series, at 50 feet.
  • He's also, ironically, the fastest Autobot in the movies. his alt. mode one time flew at 3,530kph.
  • Jetfire's humanoid mode has several features that emphasize his age; hunched stature, landing gear/walking stick, and the extensions on his head and face vaguely resemble the unkempt hair and moustache that are typically associated with the "old-timer" stereotype. To go even further with the old-timer stereotype, Jetfire has a hybrid English/Scottish accent, with an appropriately Trans-Atlantic vocabulary of invective.
  • Though barely seen in the film, Jetfire dives into the fray during the final battle in Egypt in his vehicle mode, leaving behind a massive trail of black smoke. However, Optimus has the smoke trail when he takes off too, so this may be due to his old parts.
  • After killing The Fallen, Optimus Prime discards Jetfire's parts because they are old.
    • Optimus keeps his parts in the game.
  • Apparently in his day killing enemies involved a lot of pain given his comment about "this is how we brought the pain in my day" before he killed Mixmaster and his method of killing Scorponok.
  • In the junior novelisation of the film, Jetfire does not die, instead falling into a deep sleep, upon which his parts are transferred to Optimus. However, he does not wake up afterwards, leading readers to assume that he's stuck in a coma.
  • His toy makes his beard look like Needlenose's visor.
  • He is one of three Transformers seen so far to speak English in his alt-mode, as he briefly yells "Incoming!" while still in his jet form before he transformed and tried to stick the landing. The other two are Skids as an ice cream truck half and Arcee as a motorcycle.
  • His father was a wheel. The first wheel. And he transformed into nothing with dignity. This is an indication that perhaps Jetfire is not all there anymore.
  • Just like what Wheelie said, I tell ya, this guy did not age well.
  • In the film, he identifies himself as a mercenary, saying that he's a "mercenary doom-bringer". This indicates that while he did switch sides, he only really works for himself in the war although he has no trouble committing himself to Sam's cause, even coming to his aid when he's cornered by Mixmaster.
  • He can teleport.
  • He states roughly that his parts are falling off.
  • Like some of his incarnations including his G1 and War For Cybertron Trilogy counterparts were turncoats.
  • Also his previous incarnations potrayed him as a young, vibrant bot that have no visible damage and not unkempt like his Bayverse counterpart


Revenge of the Fallen (PC/Xbox 360/PS3) video game[]

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Revenge of the Fallen (Wii/PS2) video game[]

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Revenge of the Fallen (Autobots/Decepticons) video game[]

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Revenge of the Fallen mobile game[]

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