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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

James Savoy is the secondary antagonist of the 2014 film Transformers: Age of Extinction.

He is a nefarious CIA agent serving as the second-in-command of the agency's black ops unit: Cemetery Wind, as well as being the second-in-command of Harold Attinger.

He was portrayed by Titus Welliver, who also played Dante Marcus in Man on a Ledge.


Savoy is first seen at the beginning of the movie leading Cemetery Wind at a boat pier. Using six mini-drones and a heat signature scanner, Savoy's men successfully used two explosions to break down Ratchet, with the second blowing his leg off. Ratchet then pleads for his life claiming he is friendly and that he is only running from humans because Optimus Prime urged him to immediately do so. Savoy still does not sparely Ratchet, complaining to the Autobot about his sister's death in Chicago. Savoy then gleefully watched Lockdown rip out poor Ratchet's spark.

He was the right-hand man of Harold Attinger and the leader of a CIA black ops unit known as the Cemetery Wind to capture Lucas Flannery including all the Transformers. He can't kill Optimus Prime and all the other Autobots, even the Decepticons since his sister was killed in the battle of Chicago.

In Hong Kong, China, Savoy tried shooting at Joshua, Tessa, and Shane as the three went down in an elevator to get rid of Lockdown's seed. Cade chose not to stay in the elevator, deciding that he must stay behind and fight off Savoy, who then engages in a fight with Cade where they are punching each other in a building in Hong Kong. Savoy chases Cade down the exterior back wall of an apartment building in Hong Kong, and Savoy shoves Cade through a window into a room.

Exchanging blows and punches, Savoy is able to smash a glass vase on Cade's head while Cade jams his thumb into Savoy's eye socket, and the two immediately shoved each other away of a short distance. Savoy denigrates Cade for hiding and siding with Optimus before pulling out a knife, prompting Cade to throw a football at his head and push him out the window, causing Savoy to fall to his death, breaking his spine, killing him, ending his wrath for good and avenging Ratchet. And finally, his corpse was sucked by Lockdown’s ship when using the giant magnet and devoured by his henchman, meeting his ultimate end.

Attinger have witnessed Savoy's death, so he angrily tries shooting Cade as payback for this; but ends up being shot in the chest; by Optimus as retaliation.


Savoy was a loyal right-hand man to Attinger, who held a grudge against Cybertronians, no matter whether good ones (mostly Autobots) or evil (mostly Decepticons). Perhaps since the death of his sister in Chicago at the hands of Sentinel Prime and the Decepticons, it was implied that he has gone insane since then. Due to her death, he has become wrathful, ruthless and highly sadistic, taking enjoyment out of inflicting, suffering and pain toward the helpless Cybertronians and humans alike, like he did to Ratchet and Tessa (which forced Optimus Prime out of hiding).

Even before his death, Savoy himself had been twisted into somewhat thinking that Cade, along with his Autobot allies and his family, mocking him over his sister's death as he went on the blind fury with his knife to stab Cade when Cade tries to reason with him for the final time before being forced to send him to his death. This might be the reason why Attinger appointed him as his right-hand man, though his homicidal wrath eventually led to his death at the hands of Cade at the last moment during their final fight.

In the lesser extent, Savoy can also be considered an anti-villain due to the fact that he clearly loved his sister, something which made him hold a deep hatred towards Cybertronians in his crippled heart, although he is virtually a sociopath due to killing any innocent lives.

v - e - dTransformers-logo-font
Bumblebee - Transformers: Rise of the Beasts - Transformers - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Transformers: Age of Extinction - Transformers: The Last Knight
Sam Witwicky - Mikaela Banes - Carly Brooks-Spencer- William Lennox - Robert Epps - Maggie Madsen - Glen Whitmann - John Keller - Agent Simmons - Thomas Banachek - Ronald Witwicky - Judith Witwicky - Archibald Witwicky - Bobby Bolivia - Akram - Mahfouz - Manny - Miles Lancaster - Mr. Hosney - Colonel Sharp - Admiral Brigham - Charlotte Mearing - Sarah Lennox - Little girl - College Student - Smithsonian Guard - Dylan Gould - Mearing - Bruce Brazos - Dutch - Jerry Wang - General Morshower - Hardcore Eddie - Buzz Aldrin - Bill O'Reilly - Voshkod - President Kennedy - President Nixon - Defense Secretary McNamara - Neil Armstrong - Cosmonaut Dimitri - Cade Yeager - Tessa Yeager - Shane Dyson - Joshua Joyce - Harold Attinger - James Savoy - Darcy Tirrel - Su Yueming - Lucas Flannery - CIA Director - Cemetery Wind Team - Izabella - Viviane Wembly - Edmund Burton - Arthur Pendragon - Santos - TRF lieutenant - TRF Group Leader - American TRF soldiers - British TRF Soldiers - Jack Burns - Powell - Charlie Watson - Sally Watson - Otis Watson - Ron - Memo
Sentinel Prime - Optimus Prime - Bumblebee - Jazz - Ratchet - Ironhide - Skids - Mudflap - Sideswipe - Arcee - Jolt - Jetfire - Wheelie - Brains - Mirage - Wheeljack - Roadbuster - Leadfoot - Topspin - Hound - Drift - Crosshairs - Sqweeks - Canopy - Cogman - Daytrader - Hot Rod - Volleybot - Bulldog - Lieutenant
Fallen - Megatron/Galvatron - Starscream - Barricade - Frenzy - Brawl - Bonecrusher - Blackout - Scorponok - Demolishor - Sideways - Soundwave - Ravage - Reedman - Alice - Scrapmetal - Long Haul - Mixmaster - Rampage - Scalpel - Grindor - Scrapper - Scavenger - Hightower - Overload - Devastator - Shockwave - Driller - Laserbeak - Crankcase - Crowbar - Hatchet - Loader - Devcon - Stinger - Junkheap - KSI Bosses - Two-Heads - Traxes - Nitro Zeus - Onslaught - Berserker - Dreadbot - Mohawk
Guardian Knights
Grimlock - Slug - Scorn - Strafe - Mini-Dinobots - Dragonicus - Stormreign - Steelbane - Skullitron - Dragonstorm
Quintessa - Seven Primes - Lockdown - Steeljaws - Infernocons - Skulk - Rupture - Thrash - Gorge - Glug - Infernocus - Unicron
What I've Done
Transformers 2
Transformers 3
New Divide
Transformers 4
Heartbreaker - Nasty Girl - Dat Slap - First Light - U Can't Touch This - Moonlight Reflected on the Er-Quan Spring - Daybreak - All For You - Battle Cry
Transformers 5
Going Back To Cali - U Can't Touch This - Mambo No. 5 - I Don't F**k With You - When My Man Comes Home - Torches
Back to Life
Battle of Mission City - Battle of Egypt - Battle of Chicago - Battle of Hong Kong - Battle for the Staff
Detroit - Michigan - Hoover Dam - California - Alamogordo - Boston - Columbia Bay - Las Vegas - Washington, D.C. - Oklahoma - San Diego - USA - Qatar
Transformers 2
Pennsylvania - Egypt - Jordan - Arizona - New Mexico - California - Virginia - Washington, D.C. - China - Shanghai - New Jersey - New York City - Paris - USA
Transformers 3
Milwaukee - Detroit - Michigan - Chicago - Georgia - Russia - Ukraine - Iran - Indiana - Florida - Cambodia - Texas - Los Angeles - California - New York City - Washington, D.C. - USA
Transformers 4
Hong Kong - Monument Valley - Jasper - Detroit - Austin - Pontiac - Chicago - Lockhart - Elgin - Iceland - Taylor - Texas - Moab - Pflugerville - Melber Lane - Uptown Theatre - Beijing - Washington, D.C. - Kayenta - Milford - 300 East Randolph Street - St. Boniface Church - Union - Michigan - China - USA
Transformers 5
London - Chicago - Washington, D.C. - Cuba - China - Hong Kong - Egypt - Jordan - UK - USA
See Also
"Romeo & Juliet" Law - Quintessa
NSA - FBI - Sector Seven - NEST - CIA - United Nations - Cemetery Wind - Kinetic Solutions Incorporated - Transformers Reaction Force - MI6

Transformers: Age of Extinction
