One of the universals across all Transformers continuities has been the use of insignia to differentiate members of respective armies, and sometimes sub-factions within armies or even individuals.
Generation One[]
This ancient symbol was discovered by Shockwave. He claims that although Transformers have been split into two races, they are one species. Generation One
This symbol appeared on the forehead of Ancient Robot, who spoke to Rodimus Prime within the Matrix. FFoD
This symbol was only used on the Titanium toyline representation of the Fallen. It was not used in The War Within or any other fiction.
Pre-War Megatron Origin[]
This symbol was worn by Clench and his team in Kaon's illegal pitfights prior to the Great War. After Megatron replaced Clench as team captain he retained the symbol for a time before developing the Decepticon insignia as his team emblem.
This symbol is used by the Autobot Security Services crew operating under Sentinel Prime and was seen on the flags draped over the coffins at the state funeral of operatives Fastback and Bumper.
The War Within[]
This symbol appeared on the helmet of the departed politician Emirate Xeon.
The Great War[]
It seems likely that in the real world, the Autobot symbol was derived from a stylized drawing of Prowl's toy's head. In the Marvel Comics continuity, it was known as the "Autobrand" and was seemingly based on the face of the Last Autobot. In the original animated series, it was a mark of the Quintesson slave brand.
It seems likely that in the real world, the Decepticon symbol was derived from a stylized drawing of Soundwave's toy's head. It has no given origin in either comic or cartoon, but in the latter, it presumably has the same origin as the Autobot symbol. In the live action movie continuity, it was based on blurred image of the Fallen.
This symbol represents the Decepticons under Shockwave's command charged with Cybertron's security. It was retroactively named in 2007 by TakaraTomy's World of the Transformers website, but unnamed in its original context.
Divide and Conquer
This symbol was used by the Wreckers in the 3H Wreckers/Universe comics, and debuted in 2001. It is uncertain if prior incarnations of the team used this insignia or if it came into use after the signing of the Pax Cybertronia. Departure
Non-Cybertronian Insignia[]
This symbol was featured as part of the decal set for the e-Hobby exclusive Overcharge drones.
Kiss Players[]
These symbols were used by the Sparkbots in Kiss Play Position.
Brazilian G1[]
These faction symbols were used in the Brazilian Estrela releases of the Microchange "Mini Car Robo" subline molds.
G.I. Joe Crossovers[]
Generation 2[]
The G2 Autobot symbol seems clearly based on Optimus Prime. In the Marvel Comics continuity this change may have occured since the Last Autobot had come and gone.
The G2 Decepticon symbol seems to be a stylized, updated G1 Decepticon symbol. Bludgeon's Decepticons adopted this symbol around 1991, apparently unaware it was also being used by the Cybertronian Empire that they would soon encounter.
This symbol was used by Jhiaxus's Cybertronian Empire, who considered themselves neither Autobot nor Decepticon.
This was only used in Japanese continuity to bridge Return of Convoy and Generation 2.
Beast Era[]
Beast Wars[]
Worn by knight-like Maximal soldiers/peacekeepers in Beast Wars: The Ascending.
These symbols appeared on the walls of a transwarp shunt room used by Magmatron in IDW's Beast Wars: The Gathering. Although never explicitly stated, they apparently denote the original Predacon combiner team.
Beast Wars II[]
Beast Wars Neo[]
Beast Machines[]
This insignia replaced the spark crystals of the Beast Wars Neo toys that were introduced to the Beast Machines toyline.
Car Robots[]

Takara used this symbol to represent the Combatron (Decepticon in Robots in Disguise) sub-group in Car Robots — it's an upside-down Generation 2 Autobot symbol, which had been molded into the Black Convoy toy, a redeco of Generation 2 Laser Optimus Prime. The Hasbro version removed them and used the traditional Decepticon symbol. Though it can be briefly seen in the anime, this symbol does not "exist" in the English version.
Unicron Trilogy[]
This symbol hints at the origins of the Mini-Cons, in that the "M" is echoed in Unicron's face, with the border representing the planet-eater's orbital ring.
Worn by Mega-sized Transformers who can combine with fellow Mega- and Deluxe-sized Transformers.
Worn by Deluxe-sized Transformers who can combine with fellow Deluxe- and Mega-sized Transformers.
Worn by Ultra-sized Transformers, who can combine with additional vehicle mode parts to form a "brute mode"
An insignia worn by Ironhide and a group of Omni-Cons under his command in an episode of the Energon cartoon.
Seen on Cyber Keys that belong to Transformers from the planet Velocitron.
Seen on Cyber Keys that belong to Transformers from the Jungle Planet.
Seen on Cyber Keys that belong to Transformers from the planet Gigantion.
Used by Hot Shot, Red Alert, and Scattorshot, after their collective reconstruction.
Live-action film continuity[]
For the 2007 movie, the Autobot and Decepticon factions were rendered in the steel gray seen below. Additionally- the Autobot and Decepticons were strongly associated with the colors blue and red, which led to the Autobot symbol appearing in blue in multiple media. Nonetheless, the 'official colors' of said symbols remains red and purple.
Changes include slanted eyes, slanted top, and the forehead hole having its high edge straightened
Here the eyes are now smaller and more diamond shaped, whereas the original version had triangular eyes.
A Secret organization on earth that is trying to save humanity from the Autobots and Decepticons.
An elite group of infiltrators determined to steal the All Spark for their own purposes.
Stop Sector 7 was a organization created to stop Sector 7 headed by Agent X .
Depicted on vehicles and uniforms of NEST personnel.
Insignia on some Autobots' ,who join N.E.S.T., toys.
Second cinematic universe[]
Shattered Glass[]
The alternate reality of the Shattered Glass timeline posits an army of evil Cybertronians united under the leering visage of a purple insignia badge... though probably not the one you were expecting.
Worn by Nightbeat and presumably his subordinates.
Transformers Animated[]
Transformers Prime/Aligned[]
Unused concepts[]
Used for promotion of the comic, not in the actual story.