Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
This article is about a character from Transformers Animated. For the Headmaster from Generation One, see Highbrow (G1).

Apparently a high-ranking officer under the command of Ultra Magnus, Highbrow was one of the Autobots involved in the construction of Omega Supreme. He seems quite old.


Transformers Animated cartoon[]

Voice actor: David Kaye (English), Atsushi Imaruoka (Japanese)

Highbrow aided in Perceptor and Ultra Magnus's explanation of what Ratchet was required to do with Omega Supreme. TransWarped


  • Highbrow is apparently based, visually and vocally, on British actor Terry-Thomas.
  • It appears that he transforms into a Cybertronian pickup truck similar in appearance to Kup's alt-mode.