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This article is about the Decepticon in Revenge of The Fallen, for the almost-identical Decepticon from the first film, see Blackout. For other meanings of the name, see Grindor (disambiguation).

Grindor is a cold and calculating strategist, making note of every possible outcome before he makes his move.


Revenge of the Fallen film[]

Voice actor: Frank Welker

Grindor kidnaps Sam, Mikaela, and Leo, and brings them to Megatron. He hooks up their car and takes them to the warehouse as Starscream and Scalpel await.

After Optimus and Bumblebee arrive, he joins Starscream and Megatron in fighting Optimus Prime in a nearby forest. He is bested by Optimus the first few moments of the fight, but manages to damage his side with his rotors. Optimus gets free and is heavily damaged by Megatron, but gets back up and attacks all three of them at once. He slices a couple off Grindor's helicopter blades in half and then cuts off his right arm which flies into Megatron's hand causing him to miss his aim and shoot a tree. Then, Optimus slashes at Grindor's chest who is then hit by Starscream's gatling cannon, so he tries to shoot Optimus with his machine gun but Optimus throws one of his blades at him, impaling him in the leg. Grindor goes out of the battle for a while. When Optimus slices off Starscream's arm, Grindor comes back into the battle & pulls the sword out of his leg, but Optimus runs up to him with his hooks. He then stabs one hook into Grindor's eye then pulls himself up on top of him. Optimus then stabs his other hook in his mouth and completely rips his head in two while Grindor roars in pain. Optimus then pushes Grindor's headless, dead body to the ground. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Titan Magazines[]

While Skids, Mudflap and Ironhide are training, the NEST team track down Grindor on his way Las Vegas. Ironhide gathers the Twins and they head for Vegas by C-17.

In Vegas, Grindor asks Soundwave what he's looking for. He reveals that he's looking for some old Cybertronian technology. Hovering over a classic car shop, Grindor transforms and lands before starting the search. He chops up a car and finds "The memory tree". Some NEST choppers appear, then Ironhide arrives by smashing a fence down. Grindor throws cars at Ironhide, disorientating him for a while. The N.E.S.T forces manage to hit Grindor with an E.M.P harpoon, and anchor him down. Skids and Mudflap come and start shooting, accidently breaking the wire and letting Grindor go. Ironhide wasn't happy. Learning Curve

Transformers: The Ride[]

Optimus is forced to battle Megatron and Grindor arrives in vehicle mode before transforming into robot mode (more quickly than in the film) and tries to slice and dice Evac using his chopper rotors then crashes through a train tunnel with Evac trapped. The passengers inside and Evac are only saved when a train smashes off Grindor's hand which leaves Grindor disabled. Evac complains that the passengers won't give him a warning.

Video Game[]

Voice actor: Fred Tatsciore
  • He is a playable character in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen the video game.
  • His primary weapon is a gatling gun. His secondary weapon is an Energon wave cannon. His vehicle mode weapons are four-at-a-time lock on missiles. His vehicle mode is a Super Stallion. His special ability will launch a machine gun turret that fires on enemies.


  • Grindor (Legend, 2009)
The same Blackout legends figure, but lighter in color, has Cybertronian "tattoos" here and there, and his face is a different color.
  • Grindor (Voyager, 2009)

Voyager class Grindor

Grindor is a redeco of Blackout and comes with a Stalker Scorponok mini-figure.
  • Grindor (Fast Action Battler, 2009)


  • Grindor's mortal enemy is Jazz. Jazz and Grindor had a battle on Cybertron, in which Jazz almost killed Grindor by cutting him in half with his own blade. However, Starscream saved Grindor by repairing him just before his spark faded. **Tough luck for poor Jazz though, he died the same way exactly 278 years later.
  • In Revenge of the Fallen game, Grindor is a source of sly humor, sometimes saying "Look! Robots in disguise!" He also often chastises Starscream's tactics before Megatron's resurrection. In the gameplay, the Super Stallion copter turbo gave Grindor a hover ability similar to Breakaway's. He also questioned Starscream, saying "That´s right Starscream, you don´t retreat, you simply advance backwards".
  • Despite the fact that fans consider him mute, he actually has two lines in the film, when Optimus throws his energon sword at Grindor's leg, he screams "MY LEG!" And before Optimus rips his head in half, he pleads for him not to do it, saying "NO, PRIME! PLEASE, NOOOOOOO!"
  • There is some similarity between the fates of Grindor and Lurtz, the Uruk'Hai Commander in the film The Fellowship of the Ring. Both are something to do with the capture of at least two major characters (Grindor captures Sam and Mikaela, and supporting main character, Leo; Lurtz kills Boromir, allowing his force to capture Merry and Pippin). Both are then stabbed in the right leg by a main hero (Optimus Prime with the Energon sword and Aragorn with a curved knife respectively) before pulling the weapons out of their legs, both survive a stab through the chest, both lose their right arm (which had a weapon in/on in both cases) and both were killed by some means of decapitation (Grindor's head was ripped apart; Lurtz's head was cut off).

Grindor and Blackout[]

""Blackout. Grindor. They all look the same to me.""
Ironhide, "Law and Disorder"

  • His name is not mentioned in the film.
  • In the novelization of Revenge of the Fallen, his is not given a name, but called Huge Russian helicopter instead. It is unknown if he had a different alternate mode in the novel or it is simply an error, since the CH-53E is made by American. It is possible that the author did not realize that Sikorsky is an American manufacturer and assumed it was Russian based on the -sky suffix, which is interesting because -sky is the spelling used in Polish surnames and not Russian surnames (where it is -ski as opposed to -sky).
  • He transforms into a CH-53E Super Stallion heavy-lift helicopter — which resembles another Decepticon, though he is a lighter grey, and the forward fuselage has a different refueling probe and sensors.
  • The CG model for Blackout (sans same head) and a similar model of helicopter (CH-53E "Super Stallion") was used for Grindor in Revenge of the Fallen.
  • Revenge of the Fallen film never explicitly establishes Grindor as a separate character from Blackout. Screenwriter Roberto Orci, when asked, was not sure whether they were supposed to be the same character or not.[1] Despite Orci's statement, Hasbro confirmed that it is Grindor featured in the film instead of Blackout.[2]
  • In the Revenge of the Fallen Junior Novel the Character is named Blackout and not Grindor.
  • However, during the fight in the forest between Optimus and Megatron, just as Grindor has just finished attacking Optimus, Blackout's Pave Low Bulb is seen next to Grindor's head and in the left corner on the armor.
  • Despite being called "Grindor" in the Revenge of the Fallen game, internal files identify him Blackout, possibly indicating the game had been developed with the understanding that they were the same character.
  • In the Revenge of the Fallen DVD extra, it is Blackout, who is 33-foot tall, stood next to Megatron instead of Grindor.
  • Grindor's alternate mode can't be a Super Stallion as his only has six main rotor blades as shown in the Revenge of the Fallen film and the game while a normal Super Stallion has seven main rotor blades. It must be a MH-53M Pave Low IV. Strangely, his anti-torque tail rotor blade weapon in the film appears to have over four blades while a normal Super Stallion has four blades on the anti-torque tail rotor.
  • The reason they made Grindor use a CH-53E Super Stallion instead of a MH-53 Pave Low IV is probably because by the time Revenge of the Fallen was made, the Pave Low was obsolete.
  • DreamWorks says that "There isn't a character in the film named [Gridor][sic] because it indeed is Blackout. We had that toy made because we weren't going to show him until this final trailer and we felt if the toy was leaked with that name [we were right] it would ruin the surprise. Mike insisted on the scene with him in it for the Vegas footage. Fans will indeed see a Blackout toy after the release of the film.[3]


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