Nobody can withstand his death-ray eyes!
Greg "M Sipher" Sepelak is long-time fan and current artist and writer for various Transformers ventures, primarily for Fun Publications. So far, he has not beaten anyone to death with a crowbar.
That we know of.
He tends to partner with Trent Troop on virtually everything he does for Fun Publications, and vice-versa.
- All Transformers Collectors' Club Micro-Sized Mini-Con Profiles bios, print and online
- BradyGames strategy guide for Transformers The Game (with Thomas Hindmarch for the Nintendo DS games walkthrough)
- "The New World" Transformers Collectors' Club online-exclusive illustrated text story, with Trent Troop
- "Wreckers: Finale Part II" online-exclusive illustrated text story, with Trent Troop
- "Gone Too Far" 1-page comic preview and online-exclusive illustrated text story, with Trent Troop
- "Shattered Expectations" 3-page comic with Trent Troop
- "Force of Habit" online-exclusive illustrated text story, with Trent Troop
- "Shattered Glass" dialogue punchup with Trent Troop (sensing a pattern?)
- "Bee in the City" BotCon 2008 live script reading, with Trent Troop
- "Withered Hope" 1-page comic preview and online-exclusive illustrated text story, with Trent Troop
- "I, Lowtech" 1-page comic preview and online-exclusive illustrated text story, with Trent Troop (not yet released)
- "Dungeons & Dinobots" online-exclusive illustrated text story, with Trent Troop (not yet released)
Micro-Sized Mini-Con Profiles (Fan Club magazine)[]
Micro-Sized Mini-Con Profiles On-Line![]
- Aftershock
- Astro-Hook
- Astro-Line
- Astro-Sinker
- Barnstorm
- Flashbang
- Hydroplane
- Jackknife
- Knockdown (Cybertron)
- Maverick
- Road Rebel (shading by T.Troop)
- Rockslide
- Solar Flare
- Skull Buster
- Starcatcher
- Vorpal Saber
- Breakage colors
- Heavy Metal colors
- Kickback colors
- Kickflip colors
- Mudbath colors
BotCon 2007 card art[]
- (Colors for the cards were done by Chris Appel.)
BotCon 2008 card art[]
- Divebomb pencils & inks
- Goldbug pencils & inks
- Grimlock pencils & inks
- Jazz pencils & inks
- Optimus Prime pencils & inks
- Rampage pencils & inks
- Razorclaw pencils & inks
- Starscream pencils & inks
- (Colors for the cards were done by ???.)
- Breakaway bio card art (w/ effects by Trent Troop)
- "The New World": Penciling and inking for "Games of Deception" Diamond edition illustrations (colors by David Willis), pencils/inks/colors for online story illustrations.
- "Shattered Expectations" pencils & inks (w/ colors by Trent Troop)
- Except for a hiatus in 2002, Greg Sepelak has spear-headed the MSTF comedy event at official Transformers conventions, both BotCon and OTFCC, totaling eleven years overall.
- Enjoys "Weird Al" Yankovic, long walks on the beach, your mom.
- He is not Xiphos.