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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
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Great Cannon is a Decepticon from the Operation Combination portion of the Generation One continuity family.

Great Cannon, also known as Onslaught, is the leader of the Battle Gaia team, which means he is the second-in-command to the Decepticon Scrash. He combines with his teammates to form the mighty Battle Gaia.

Nobody is giving anyone a lot to work with him.


Operation Combination story pages[]

Great Cannon is never shown as an individual robot, only as the torso to Battle Gaia.


Operation Combination[]

  • Battle Gaia (Multi-pack, 1992)
Japanese ID number: TF-10
Great Cannon is a redeco of Onslaught, transforming into a longnosed truck cab with extended trailer bed and a large double-barreled cannon. Using the Scramble City style of combination, he can form the torso to any combination of limbs. He was only available as part of the Battle Gaia giftset.
This mold was also used to make Mega-Octane.