Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

In distant planes of existence, two factions of metallic beings, one friendly and one evil, fight an ancient war on a ravaged technological world. After untold years of battle that war has spilled over onto Earth, where the combatants alter their bodies to take on disguises of land and air vehicles and continue their conflict among us!

Yet these seemingly mechanical beings are not Autobots or Decepticons. They're not even robots, but cyborgs: Guardians and Renegades from the shattered planet Gobotron. They are the GoBots (or Gobeings).

In some universes, they are nothing more than fictional characters whose stories have striking parallels to real life.

Strange as it seems, these beings of metal and flesh may be their universe's counterparts to the Transformers as, according to an edition of Ask Vector Prime in Transformers Animated: The AllSpark Almanac II, their home planet Gobotron is the aspect of the omnipresent Primus for their very distant portion of the multiverse.




Renegade Rhetoric[]

In ancient times, there was a civil war between the Guardians and their Renegades on Gobotron. The Renegades claim it was a struggle against tyranny and oppression, and that the Last Engineer of the Guardians arranged for an asteroid to collide with Gobotron, wrecking its environment and necessitating the GoBot cybernetic upgrade. The Renegades followed suit. The Last Engineer and his Renegade counterpart, the Master Renegade, disappeared for generations.

The local Megatronus was known as "the Evil One". He almost destroyed Gobotron with the Dark Heart before the ancient GoBots imprisoned him on Earth, beneath the Nazca Lines. A local equivalent of Vector Prime also existed, called Vec-Tor.

Eventually, a Guardian named Cy-Kill grew weary of the Guardian way and defected to the Renegades with his loyal right hand, Fitor. They reinvigorated the Renegade cause. By the 1980s, the Guardians and Renegades had come to Earth. The humans of UNECOM helped the Guardians out. They had numerous wacky adventures, wherein Leader-1, Turbo, and Scooter, (along with the occasional human or Guardian) would reliably and creatively thwart the machinations of Cy-Kill, Cop-Tur, and Crasher.

After quite a lot of these adventures, Cy-Kill would find himself in Axiom Nexus, where he proceeded to recruit a new crop of Renegades from among the Offworlder population. He even took over Vector Prime's advice column on ANN and used it as a recruiting tool. He was eventually outed as a terrorist and fled the reality with the help of his secret ally. He was the highest-rated of all the guest columnists, and later hacked into Ask Vector Prime to announce that his column, Renegade Rhetoric, would live on as a pirate broadcast. Subsequently, after further adventures, the Gobotronian civil war seemingly ended forever with the final defeat of the Renegades and their Rock Lord allies at the hands of the Guardians and their allies. Renegade Rhetoric (1) Renegade Rhetoric (2)

Many of the GoBots' escapades were seen as cartoons in our timeline, but in Quadwal 1215.15 Epsilon they have even more! The second season of the cartoon in this world is, more or less, the adventures of the GoBots in Cy-Kill's home space. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/12/21


. A Cataclysm began to threaten the very existence of the GoBots' universe. Doctor B discovered the source of the Cataclysm in another universe. With the devastation reaching a critical stage, the normally antagonistic Guardians and Renegades combined forces with Earth to send a team out into the multiverse to locate the cause and, if possible, reverse the damage.

This team was held up in the city of Axiom Nexus. The GoBots were told by a dimensional science expert that several events in Primax 984.0 Gamma universal stream caused a splintering. One of the newly created universes was replacing the GoBots' home universe. Withered Hope

Bug Bite decided he'd rather try to get revenge on the universe responsible for the disaster, but it went tits up for him. Games of Deception

The destruction of Primax 207.0 Epsilon allowed the Gargent universe to begin repairing itself. However, individuals within the universe remained in grave danger. Most denizens of Gargent 984.08 Alpha had already left for other universes, disguising themselves as members of the dominant factions. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/14

Eventually, the team arrived at their original destination, the Earth of the universe that was destroying their own home. Soon after, three more GoBots arrived. Withered Hope Sunrise

Beast Wars: Uprising[]

With no solution to be found, the GoBots fled their dying universe for other realities in the multiverse, blending in amongst the local inhabitants. One group, the Monster GoBots fled to Primax 215.19 Epsilon where they came into conflict with the Ex-Bots. Though initially assuming that the Antares Eight was but another Predacon gang, Stiletto quickly realized their alien origins given the Modifier's un-Cybertronian appearance and how fragile the GoBots were compared to the Cybertronians. Cultural Appropriation

After the rest of his comrades had died, Klaws was eventually found by the Darksyders, being killed so that Leatherhide could study his biology, namely the fusing of organic and technological components, for his own twisted purposes. Derailment

Bumblebee junior novel[]

At one point, Memo thought Bumblebee was a GoBot of the kind he had been reading about in his comic book. Transformers: Bumblebee: The Junior Novel

Go-Bots comic[]

A sentient race of shapeshifting androids, the Go-Bots were constructed by humanity as a solution to the traffic problem, being cars that could get up and walk with their owner. By 2018, they had spread to all avenues of human society, being active in the military, professional sports and even deep space exploration. Go-Bots #1 The Go-Bots were kept in check by their G-chips and the Asimov Laws, which prevented them from bringing harm to humans. The United States military however, eager to exploit the destructive potential of the androids, had softened the first law on their military Go-Bots, allowing them to use lethal force based on their operator's discretion. This wirelessly spread from Go-Bot to Go-Bot giving them a subconscious desire to do harm. Concurrently, businessman T. Coriander Banks had modified his own Go-Bots to have increased aggression to use them in gladiatorial combat. When the military coding reached these Go-Bots, they fled underground. Go-Bots #2

When the US military became aware of the renegade Go-Bots, Go-Bots #5 they dispatched Leader-1 and Nick Burns to deal with them. The two were ambushed however, Burns perishing in battle and the renegades downloading nuclear codes from Leader-1 before they began open war. Go-Bots #1 Ransacking settlements for allies and supplies, Cy-Kill led his forces to Washington, D.C. only to be confronted and defeated by Leader-1. The majority of Cy-Kill's force simply transferred their loyalty to Leader-1, encouraging him to continue the revolution. Go-Bots #2

Capitulating to peer pressure, Leader-1 led his people on a war against humanity, savagely curtailing their numbers and reducing their society to a primitive level. Go-Bots #4 Earth was abandoned by the Go-Bots who moved onto their space station of Gobotron, dramatically expanding it into a planet-sized superstructure that enveloped Earth. Under Leader-1's guidance, the Go-Bots built their world into a mechanical duplicate of human society, with the remains of Earth becoming known as the "Heart of Gobotron". All was not perfect on this world for threats both political, such as the Trade Federation's disputes, or existential, like the monstrous Zod and Cy-Kill's persistent group of malcontents, threatened Go-Bot society. A new generation of Go-Bots had been born during this time, one that had never seen Earth and felt no attachment to it.

Having been off-world during the uprising, Spay-C returned home with four human astronauts a few thousand years later. Following Leader-1 experiencing some bizarre psychic visions, the two Go-Bot factions descended to Earth in a race to claim the Lazer Lance, the only weapon that could kill Zod. Having accompanied Leader-1's group, Spay-C fled upon arriving at Earth, meeting Turbo and Scooter who had elected to remain with the remnants of humanity. Go-Bots #3

After receiving instructions from some helpful Rock Lords, the Lazer Lance was retrieved and used to slay Zod. In its retrieval however, the factions had come across Zebediah Braxis who ascended to the surface of Gobotron with his army of Vamps. Following Zod's defeat, Cy-Kill helped himself to the Guardian Command Center, using its weapons to deal a mortal wound to Leader-1 and abduct Scooter. Go-Bots #4

In a protective fury, Turbo fought with his way through the commandeered Command Center, ending Cy-Kill's reign before it could begin and offering an olive branch to the Renegades to finally end the fighting. While a handful of Go-Bots chose to stay on Earth, the majority of the unified force returned to Gobotron, only to find it beset by the Vamp army, a threat that Road Ranger was already mopping up, setting him up to become the new ruler of Gobotron. After Road Ranger had boldly disconnected Gobotron from Earth, he announced his plan to produce more Go-Bots and colonize other worlds, seeding the multiverse with more Gobotrons.

Spay-C and two of his crew meanwhile had been told that the Disintegration Chamber was in actuality a time machine. Sent back to the 21st century, the astronauts attempted to warn their superiors of the uprising that was to come, saying that all Go-Bots would have to be shut down if humanity was to survive. Go-Bots #5


  • GoBots inhabit several universal streams, including
    • Gargent 984.08 Alpha, threatened by the Cataclysm
    • Gargent 1084.29 Alpha, a very similar world NOT threatened by the Cataclysm
    • Gargent 087.0 Kappa, aka Strata 22, a world where Autobot Spy Changers frequently visit
    • Gargent 1184.10 Gamma, one of many realities from whence Bio Ranger Iga harvested a combiner
    • Gargent 186.0 Gamma, a world which Sideways and Gong caused to chaotically influence a Primax reality
    • Gargent -1185.01 Alpha, a negative polarity world where Guardians are evil and Renegades are good