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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

Gargent is a universal cluster. Common features to the universes are organic "sparks", Cybertron being called Gobotron, and Transformers that do not identify as such. It still has versions of the Thirteen, though in this cluster The Fallen is known as "the Evil One".

The Gargent Cluster is 17 quantum-string vibrational levels from the Malgus Cluster. It was the second farthest cluster, behind Xobitor, prior to the detection of the Uniend Cluster. Gargent streams have an unusually high level of chrono-flux, which can make it difficult for outsiders looking in to determine the proper sequence of events.





Vector Prime's locally-born GoBeing analogs in the Gargent Cluster went by the name "Vec-Tor". Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/11 During his days as a Time Warrior, he and his team chased the evil Time Limit into a Gargent universe (although the Time Warriors didn't call it that back then). Vector Prime teamed up with the native space-time guardian Tic Toc and tricked Time Limit into entering Limbo. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/21

Sideways claimed to have appeared in the cluster, messed around with Gobotron's Omega Locks, tuned into one of the Primax 984.0 Gamma splinters' frequencies, and left before anyone could figure it out. Ask Sideways, 2015/07/01

Following the Waruder invasion, Axiom Nexus sent probes into the Gargent realities. They stopped transmitting on the 22nd of September 2015 Quadwal time Rook - Axiom Nexus News, 2015/09/22 due to the Shroud although the TransTechs later made brief contact with the two-bot military outpost orbiting Gargent 1084.29 Alpha. ANN live coverage


  • The Gargent Cluster encompasses the GoBots continuity family.
  • "Gargent" was intended to evoke argentum, the Latin for "silver"... as in, what's used to make second-place medals.