Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

A franchise, for lack of a better term, is an incarnation or "generation" of the Transformers brand. Strictly speaking, the entire Transformers brand can be viewed as a single franchise, coexisting alongside other Hasbro franchises with multiple distinct entries such as G.I. Joe or My Little Pony, but on the wiki the word is used to refer to the collection of not just toys, but also media, merchandise, and ideas that surround each of these incarnations. Because of these other elements, the word "toyline" would not be broad enough; the toyline is just the toy component of the whole thing.

What defines a franchise is not always clear-cut. Since the early 1990s, multiple Transformers franchises can and have coexisted with one another, targeting varying demographics through different forms of media. (e.g. the 2007 film franchise and Transformers Animated both running through 2008 in different ways). Additionally, each franchise has the potential to evolve the brand further, taking characters, toys, or concepts in a radically different direction. What one franchise does can affect future storytelling decisions in other franchises — the rise of the AllSpark as a plot device, for instance, evolved out of its prominent usage in the live-action film series.

Below are the majority of franchises that have appeared in the 40-year history of the Transformers brand, highlighting some of the key aspects of each franchise and their lasting impact on the brand as a whole.
