Wreck-Gar has a Chinese Imperial era moustache and beard. But teeth are out of the question.
Some Transformers have facial features that resemble human facial hair. These features sometimes indicate age, but this is not always the case.
Transformers with facial hair[]

Sourge. The first 'proper' Transformer with facial hair, probably derived from Unicron.
Generation One[]
Beast Era[]
- Rhinox
- Tigatron (Robot mode face bears whisker-like markings that vaguely resemble a mustache)
- Cheetor (Transmetal 2)
- Silverbolt (Beast Machines)
- Tigatron (Timelines)
Unicron Trilogy[]
Shattered Glass[]
- Mixmaster (The Lemmy)
- Scrapper (Sideburns)
- Wreck-Gar (Van Dyck)
- Wheeljack (Five o'clock shadow)
- Megatron (Chin Stripe)
- Jazz (goatee and sideburns)
Revenge of the Fallen[]
- Jetfire (Beard and Mustache)