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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

Drillhorn is the veteran strategist amongst the Breastforce group. He very knowledgeable and very tough... and can be quite opinionated, to the point of being stupidly bull-headed. His adherence to past battle experiences can often leave him unprepared for unexpected changes in the battlefield. He's accompanied by his partner-mech Hornbreast.



Victory cartoon[]

Voice actor: Yukimasa Kishino (ep. 4), Masato Hirano & Yūki Satō, formerly Hiroyuki Satō (Japan)

Drillhorn blocks the tunnel

Drillhorn blocks the tunnel

Drillhorn vs Laster

Drillhorn vs Laster

Sneak Attack! Dinoking, Attack! Leozack, Drillhorn came to Earth alongside Jallguar and Killbison to join their commanding officer Leozack in service of Deathsaurus. For his first mission on Earth, Drillhorn aided in an attempt to take over an energy plant in the desert but was stopped by Star Saber and Landcross. Unite!! Multiforce, Move Out! Rescue Team, Drillhorn was guarding captured miners from the uranium mine and got rammed in the face and was forced to retreat because of the Brainmasters. Infiltration... The Uranium Mine, Explosion!! The Energy Base, When the Breastforce embarked on a scheme to drain electrical energy from American subway tunnels, Drillhorn created an access to the underground network by drilling through a city street, with the debris he left behind derailing a passing train. He got in a fight with Laster and ejected Hornbreast to help. The Decepticons had to retreat in the end. Big City - Underground Terror, Clash!! Two Great Heroes, The New Warrior - Hellbat, Attack the Shuttle Base!!, Tanker Hijack Operation, Move Out!! Breastforce, Drillhorn and the Breastforce were on a heist to steal energy from a tanker however Hellbat wasn’t there to assist which forced them to retreat. Rescue Jean!!, Drillhorn and the Breastforce was guarding energy they stole in a bunker and when Hellbat, Killbison, and Jallguar didn’t return Drillhorn started thinking about retreating and it wasn’t long before Star Saber, Wing, and Mach came. Mach and Tackle, A Fierce Battle!! The Asteroid, Drillhorn was present in an operation to break Guyhawk out of prison on planet Micro. He and the other members fought Star Saber while Hellbat breaks Guyhawk out. The mission ended up successful as the final member of the Breastforce was present. Rescue! Gaihawk, Unite! Liokaiser, Assemble! The Warrior Combiner, Battle Up of Wrath!!, Fight to the Death!! Antarctic Battle, Crisis! Ambush in the Desert, A Deadly Battle, Ginrai Dies!!, Fight!! Victory Leo, Ultimate Crisis!! Autobots, Awaken! Victory Leo, The Tide is Turned! The Ultimate Weapon, the Victory Unification, Jean - Defend the Campus!!, A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs, The Death-Bringing Space Insects!!, The Strongest! Victory Saber, The Terror of the Giant Tidal Waves, The Wrath of the Resurrected Giant Fortress!



  • Drillhorn (Breastforce, 1989)
Japanese ID number: D-332
Drillhorn transforms into a four-treaded drill-tank (the drill doesn't spin, sorry). He also forms the right leg to the group's combined form Liokaiser. His packed-in partner Rhinobreast fits securely on Drillhorn's chest in either mode.
This mold was used to make the Rescue Force drill.
  • Liokaiser (Multi-pack, 1989)
Japanese ID number: D-335
Drillhorn was also available in a complete six-piece box set of the entire Breastforce team. It's worth noting that this release does not have bio/tech cards for the individuals, only the combined form.

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