- "I can win this war by myself, haha."
- ―Dragstrip [src]
Dragstrip is a deadly Decepticon fighter who fought in the early days of the Great War. He is a member of the Stunticons and is paired with Wildbreak and can combine into Dragbreak. They both work for Motormaster can combine further with their fellow Stunticons to form Menasor.
Transformers: War for Cybertron []
Dragstrip is an unlockable character for the Nintendo DS version of War for Cybertron (Decepticon version), unlocked by finding a disc in the mission "The Attack of Iacon" (requires Flying class character). Like the other unlockable characters, he can replace any of the other Decepticons in the campaign mode.
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron []
Note: Dragstrip does not appear in the Fall of Cybertron campaign but is available in multiplayer.
Transformers: Robots in Disguise[]
Season 3[]
In Bee Cool, Dragstrip borrowed Motormaster's Cybertronian technology detector, intending to use it to find something to get himself in his boss's good graces. He and Wildbreak headed to the human city of West Rock and broke into a cache of Cybertronian loot. Despite a few minor setbacks involving Dragstrip being frozen solid, they were packing to leave when Bumblebee's team turned up. At first, Drag Strip didn't notice, but later he sees Bumblebee and Strongarm and says, "Uh. Hello. Is there a problem, Autobots?". The two Cons eventually managed to give them the slip, but discovered that the Autobots had shut off the only bridge accessing the city. The pair merged into Dragbreak to fight the Autobots atop a parking building — though initially successful, they were ultimately defeated when Bumblebee dropped the roof on them, but escaped after the damaged parking structure partially collapsed.
In The Great Divide, having gotten his hands on a Cybertronian relic, Dragstrip was pursued by the Autobots until he caught them in a methane explosion. He returned to Motormaster with the relic, which turned out to be a Gravitic Adjuster when he tried it out on Wildbreak. Sent to cause some havoc with the device, Dragstrip attacked a State Trooper station, successfully drawing out the Bee Team. Though the Adjuster gave him an edge, he was eventually defeated by the two Sideswipes and the Autobots relieved him of his new weapon.
In Disordered Personalities, Dragstrip, along with the other Stunticons (minus Motormaster), entered the Crown City Grand Prix, aiming for one of them to win and be crowned “Ruler of the Roads,” as part of their campaign to conquer Earth's highways. Dragstrip and Wildbreak worked together for the majority of the race, and were forced to fend off Strongarm (who was stuck in Bumblebee's body). However, Dragstrip's ambitions of winning the race with Wildbreak as his backup were thwarted when the Autobots redirected two of Heatseeker's missiles back at the Stunticons, allowing Crasher Casey to remain undefeated.
In The Golden Knight, after having some fun chasing off a human police car, Dragstrip and the other Stunticons were confronted by Motormaster, who accused them of taking too long to conquer Earth's roads.
In Railroad Rage, Dragstrip was with the other Stunticons, pushing human cars off the highway, when they were passed by a maglev train. Motormaster ordered the Stunticons to steal its power source. They broke into the trainyard to follow his orders, but while they were trying to remove the engine from one of the maglev trains, Grimlock accidentally ran into the control tower, causing the train to start moving at high speed with the Stunticons, Drift and Sideswipe along for the ride. During the ensuing battle, Dragstrip and Wildbreak was eventually shoved overboard. Later, Wildbreak tried to explain to Motormaster that they “gave it their best shot,” earning him a hit from Dragstrip.
In Combine and Conquer, Dragstrip and the other Stunticons were on the receiving end of an angry monologue from Motormaster on their team's failure to defeat the Autobots. After they ran a tanker truck off the road to bait the Autobots to their location, Dragstrip joined the Stunticons in combining into Menasor, taking his spot as the combiner's left arm. Knocking the Autobots off a cliff, Menasor went to attack a human military base, intending to turn its meteor deflection system on the Autobots. However, his plan was thwarted when the Autobots managed to form their own combiner, turning the meteor deflection dish on him instead and sending him flying into the distance.
In Moon Breaker, after Wildbreak and Slashmark observed the Autobots departing into space, and reported this to Motormaster, he decided the Stunticons should follow them up there. After a brief space battle, the Stunticons’ tech detector led them to the same cache the Autobots were after, on the surface of the moon. Once there, Motormaster ordered Dragstrip and the other Stunticons to finish off the Autobots while he investigated the cache, but they were too curious to find out what was in it and followed him instead. They promptly combined into Menasor, broke into the cache, and claimed the plasma thermal accelerator module therein. With the help of this upgrade, Menasor knocked the Autobots back and attempted to destroy their ship, but they combined into Ultra Bee and destroyed the plasma module, allowing them to defeat him. Dragstrip and his fellow Stunticons were then put into stasis pods and taken by Optimus Prime back to Cybertron.

Dragstrip seems to be the "head" of Dragbreak as he combined with Wildbreak to form this big robot form. He also seems to voice this form and command it at will.
Video Games[]
- Transformers: War for Cybertron (DS) (Debut)
- Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (Chassis)
- Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (Escalation only)
RID Season 3[]
- Bee Cool (Debut)
- The Great Divide
- Disordered Personalities
- The Golden Knight
- Combine and Conquer
- Moon Breaker
- Dragstrip's portrayal in Robots in Disguise owes something to legendary actor and comedian Jackie Gleason, in particular his character of Ralph Kramden on The Honeymooners. Thus Dragstrip's frequent utterance of Ralph's threatening catchphrase "One of these days..."
- Drag Strip's parts are available in Fall of Cybertron multiplayer, classified as Slayer-type components for the Infiltrator class (although his wheels can also be used by Destroyers).