Divebomb is a student of Razorclaw and a daydreamer, who could create the most wonderful of theories when left on his own, staring into the idllyic sky of Cybertron. When the war came, he then repurposed his daydreaming into a way of escaping the horror and the destruction of everyday life. The war causes a great sadness to Divebomb, which is masked by a cheerful exterior to prevent others from being affected from his true feelings. The only outlet of his negative feelings of the war is when he is on his own, soaring in the skies he once daydreamed looking at.
Divebomb and the other Predacons were present in the War Room when Megatron held a meeting to discuss how to best attack the Ark. At sundown, once Razorclaw and Rampage opened the battle by dispatching the Autobot guards, Divebomb performed a strafing run of glass gas bombs along with Starscream and Whisper. He then helped Razorclaw and Rampage attack Grimlock. Shattered Glass
When Ricochet kidnapped Megatron during preparations for the Nemesis' launch, Cliffjumper recommended that the Predacons and Whisper be sent to sneak into Ricochet's hideout at the Temple of Knowledge to effect a rescue.
Upon arriving at the Temple, Razorclaw led Rampage and Divebomb in a lesson on infiltration. Step one: find a way inside. Divebomb spotted a vent with his keen optics, but they needed a way to reach it without getting blasted by the Temple's defenses. Whisper answered the challenge by rushing out and using his audio abilities to create the illusion of a fleet of airborne Decepticons approaching. Divebomb and the other Predacons dashed between the distracted autoguns to slip inside the vent, followed soon by Whisper, who ran ahead of them. When Razorclaw asked what they had learned, Divebomb noted that "Fools rush in".
Divebomb and Rampage progressed deeper into the Temple, and discovered Crosshairs. Divebomb sneak-attacked the Autobot, knocking him down and pinning him. They tried convincing him to keep being too lazy to move, but Crosshairs instead ordered his partner Pinpointer to attack the Predacons for him. Pinpointer launched a trio of missiles at Divebomb, who jinked and swerved to try to evade them. He managed to lose one, but the other two kept coming.
He almost tricked the missiles into hitting Crosshairs, but Pinpointer warned the larger mech to duck just in time. Divebomb then tried the trick again and failed again, which made Pinpointer get cocky and distracted. Divebomb took advantage of this to fly up to the ceiling and perform his namesake, swerving at the last minute so the missiles took out the floor beneath the Autobots.
As Divebomb and Rampage looked down into the hole, pondering what they'd learned, a volley of missiles came up at them. Divebomb concluded that you shouldn't turn your back on an enemy unless you know they're down for good, and they ran for it.
They apparently were able to shake the missiles, as they and Razorclaw soon arrived in the chamber where Megatron was held captive. A fight ensued between them, Ricochet, and Optimus Prime, with Divebomb attacking Ricochet with a length of chain.
The fight ended with Megatron getting the upper hand over Prime, and the Autobots retreating to deal with Rodimus making off with the Ark. Unfortunately, the Nemesis had also left, leaving them all stranded. Divebomb helpfully retrieved Megatron's hand that had gotten cut off during the fight, and said they ought to find a medic to reattach it. Do Over
At the Battle of Decepticon City, Divebomb and the Predacons engaged Superion after Grimlock took a pounding. Memory's Splinter
- Megatron & Rodimus (Convention souvenir set, 2008)
- Available exclusively at BotCon 2008, Divebomb is a redeco of Classics Dreadwing, transforming into a robotic eagle. He was only available as part of a set of three toys, along with Megatron and Rodimus.
- This mold was also used to make Wedge Shape.