Dinosaurs are a form of archosaurs that dominated the Earth during their existence. They are the basis of the alternate modes of Dinobots.
Transformers: Rescue Bots[]
"Family of Heroes"[]

The Griffin Rock natural history museum had a number of robotic dinosaur exhibits which incorporated dinosaur DNA. After a fire, Chief Burns and Graham were almost crushed when the head fell off one damaged model. The Tyrannosaurus rex, sporting damage that went unnoticed, later went for a stroll and had to be subdued by the Rescue Bots before being returned to the exhibit.
"Return of the Dino Bot"[]
Doc Greene later reprogrammed the dino into a butler and named it Trex. It was used by a mysterious figure to access the island's mainframe and, infected by a virus, it began rampaging through town again.
"Land Before Prime"[]
Some dinosaurs were living in a cavern far below Griffin Rock. Some of them emerged through a sinkhole onto Wayward Island and were in danger of becoming a tourist attraction before the rescue team was able to send them home, though not before Optimus Prime was able to acquire a Tyrannosaurus rex alternate mode.
"Big Game"[]
When the dino mode resulted in Optimus becoming feral, Boulder took on a Triceratops mode in order to test the cure he'd developed.
"Quarry's Quarry"[]
The other Rescue Bots took on dinosaur modes after Quint Quarry demanded Doc Greene build him dinobots.
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron[]
Shockwave was fascinated by the lifeforms he spotted on Earth called dinosaurs, and used them as inspiration for strange experiments where he changed the bodies of Grimlock and the fellow members of his strike team. Once Shockwave was done, the team possessed the ability to transform into dinosaurs and were dubbed "Dinobots".
Beast Hunters Comics[]
"Beast Hunters issue 3"[]
Shockwave created organic clones of the same dinosaurs he used as models for the Dinobots, and tried using Energon to give them life. However these dino-clones could not survive long in the oxygen-less atmosphere of Cybertron, so Shockwave kept them inside stasis tanks to keep them alive.
Grimlock and Swoop found the laboratory Shockwave had stored them in, and the bones of a dino-clone that had already escaped its tank and expired. The two Dinobots subsequently came up against a Tyrannosaurus rex, a Stegosaurus, a Triceratops and a Pteranodon as they broke out of the tanks. The attack soon spilled into Last Spark where the other Dinobots were, but the dino-clones began to combust and soon exploded, leaving nothing behind but a huge puddle of Energon.
Transformers: Robots in Disguise []
The Dinobots were a subspecies of Transformer with alternate modes based on dinosaurs, and included Grimlock and Scowl. Similarly Different
IDW Robots in Disguise comic[]
Animatronic dinosaurs were among the many attractions at Fun-A-Rama. After damaging one of the robotic dinosaurs during a nighttime excursion, Grimlock was forced to masquerade as a replacement for several hours
Transformers: Age of Extinction
65 Million years ago The Mysterious Alien Called The Creators Arrived on Earth
And Began to Terraform Earth with the Seed Killing the Dinosaurs The The Creators Harvested Transformium
and Created the Transformers.

Extended Links[]
- Dinozords from Power Rangers Wikia
- Dinosaurs & InGen's List from Jurassic Park Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Prehistoric Earth: A Natural History Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Walking with Dinosaurs Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Dinosaurs Alive Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Prehistoric Monsters Wikia
- Dinosaurs from The Parody Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Jurassic Park Builder Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Beast Wars Transformers Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Dinosaur Train Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Dinosaur Train Wikia 2
- Dinosaurs from King Kong Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Wikipedia.com
- Dinosaurs from Dinosaurs Wikia
- Dinosaurs/Dinosauria from Dinopedia Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Land Before Time Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Last Day of the Dinosaurs Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Jurassic Fight Club Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Jurassic World Evolution Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Ice Age Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Animal Armageddon Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Dinotopia Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Wikizilla.org
- Dinosaurs from Monster Resurrected Wikia
- Dinosaurs from The Truth About Killer Dinosaurs Wikia
- Dinosaurs/Dinosauria from Extinct Animals Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Night at The Museum Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Primal TV Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Disney Wikia
- Dinosaurs from The Isle Wikia
- Rex & Rexy (Night at the Museum) from Heroes & Villains Wikia
- Dinosaur-type Digimon from Digimon Wikia
- Dinosaur-type Digimon from Wikimon.net
- Dinosaurs from Conservapedia
- Dinosaurs from Dinosaur Revolution Wikia
- Dinosaurs from We're Back: A Dinosaur Story Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Prehistoric Park Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Walking with Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Planet Dinosaur Wikia
- Dinosaurs from BloodRayne & Mia, the Vampire Slayer Wiki
- Dinosaurs from CleverClaire99 Wikia
- Dinosaurs from PathFinderWiki
- RedEyes from Arwingpedia
- Dinosaurs from Primeval Wikia
- Dinosaurs from The Lost World Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Land of the Lost Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Ultraman Wikia
- List of Dinosaurs from Ray Harryhausen's Creatures Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Dinosaur Planet Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Dinosaur Planet Wikia 2
- Dinosaurs from Forgotten Realms Wikia
- Dinosaurs/Dinosauria from Fossils Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Non-Alien Creatures Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Kevin's Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Final Fantasy Wikia
- Dinosaur Physiology from Powerlisting Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Chronicles of Narnia Fanon Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Prehistoric Kingdom Wikia
- Skull Island Dinosaurs from Youtube
- Dinosaur Biogeography from Youtube
- Dinosaurs from TFWiki.net
- Dino Knights from Dinozaurs Wikia
- Dinosaurs & the Jurassic League from DC Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Marvel Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Land of The Dinosaurs Wikia
- List of Dinosaurs from Dinosaur Pedia Wikia
- Dinosaurs from When Dinosaurs Roamed America Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Ultimate Pop Culture Wikia
- Dinosaurs from DC Extended Universe Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Chronicles of Narnia Fanon Wikia
- Dinosaurs from ARK Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Ark.wiki.ggg
- Dinosaurs from Prehistoric Planet Wikia
- Other Skull Island Fauna from Continue the MonsterVerse Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Dino Attack RPG Wikia
- Guardian Beasts from The Ancient Ones Wikia
- Dinosaurs from The Age of Trilogy Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Disney Fanon Wikia
- Dinosaur Park from Thomas & Friends Wikia
- Dinosaurs & the Dinosaur Park from My Island of Sodor Wikia
- Dino Mecha Gaiking from Super Robot War Multiverse Wikia
- Dinosaurs from Dinosaur King Wikia
- Dinosaur Mecards from Mecards Wikia