Savage and dimwitted warriors, the Dinobots originally operated using artificial intelligence instead of embers. They were created by Wheeljack, who patterned them after Grimlock using programming developed by Starscream. The Dinobots who were captured and reprogrammed by the Decepticons are called Dinocons; the members of both factions were taken by Grimlock to the Omega Terminus to receive embers and the ability to transform.
Their members are:
Dinobots | Dinocons | Unknown alignment |
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Fun Publications Shattered Glass continuity[]
Wheeljack rode into battle atop Sludge and ordered the group to attack Optimus Prime, who had disrespected the mad scientist in the past. The group instead turned on itself and scattered into the wilds of Cybertron, leaving several of their ranks dead in the stampede. A scramble then ensued, with the Autobots and Decepticons each trying to gain control of the Dinobots. Cliffjumper and Sideswipe managed to restrain Goryu and Slugfest, while Goldbug and Jazz snatched Swoop.
After a new, intelligent aspect of Grimlock's personality was awoken by Omega Terminus, he gathered the Dinobots and Dinocons, promising to take them to a secret place. Dungeons & Dinobots
Later, Starscream discovered that Slugfest and Overkill were missing from their pen. He questioned Goryu, but the big brute knew nothing. Finally, he discovered that the two had transformed into octaltrack data cartridges. After some study, it was revealed that all the Dinocons now had embers and the ability to transform. Do Over
- One assumes that had Shattered Glass received more stories, the other three Dinocons would have been identified as versions of Gairyu, Rairyu, and Yokuryu, while Snarl and versions of the W Cassettebots would have been named in the Dinobot lineup.